Creative Critique of Baby Boom

Creative Critique of Baby Boom


Type of service:
Movie Review

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
3 pages

Number of sources:
3 sources

Paper details:

Watch Movie Baby Boom Link (
Follow These Directions:

Write a 3-page paper that demonstrates your understanding of attachment theory so far.

You will begin with an introduction that introduces the reader to the film. Follow with a paragraph that outlines some discussion based on the guiding questions. (Questions Below) Then compare and contrast the information from resources and what you wrote in your discussion paragraph. Finally, write a solid conclusion that wraps up everything you have mentioned in your essay.

These Questions Must Be Answered in the Essay

Guiding Questions
I expect each of you to find a unique and creative way to analyze this movie in terms of attachment. As you begin your paper, consider some of the following guiding questions:

1. Does this film represent attachment theory accurately? Why or why not?

2. What coping strategies does the child use? Are these typical strategies?

3. Is the mother sensitive to the infant’s state of mind? How do you know?

4. In what ways does this movie demonstrate ethology? Explain.

Despite the informal nature of this assignment, you are expected to cite any texts (other people’s work or ideas) and don’t forget to add an additional reference page. This paper is expected to meet standards for an academic paper. It needs to be well-written, accurately referenced (if relevant), and edited for proper spelling, grammar, etc.