Corporate Responsibility and Professional Development

Corporate Responsibility and Professional Development


There is a growing awareness for both global and home Industries to demonstrate a responsibility for appropriate environmental awareness of impacts on the environment related to the products and services they provide.

An understanding of significant environmental issues and constraints affecting industry will be developed, gaining knowledge of application of strategies / principles used in the management of environmental systems, minimising the effects on the environment from activities in both normal and abnormal operations.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the assignment, the student should be able to:-

1    Study, evaluate and analyse appropriate environmental minimisation strategies for a chosen area of industry

The brief

Designing a sustainable organisation

Your task is to develop a detailed plan for designing a sustainable organisation. In doing so, you will come up with a product  that your organisation intends to design, manufacture and service. You will then develop a group report covering the following areas towards designing your organisation:
(1)    CSR strategy – You are expected to discuss a CSR strategy for your sustainable organisation. You also need to discuss how CSR can create commercial benefits to the organisation.    (30%)
(2)     Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) – Discuss how would apply concepts of Life Cycle   Analysis to your product and discuss possible environmental impacts associated with all the stages of product’s life from cradle to grave.   (30%)

(3)    Application of Tools and Techniques – You are then expected to investigate a particular environmental impact associated with the life cycle analysis discussed in the section 2, and critically discuss how your company should respond to tackle such issue, and what environment management systems/tools (e.g. ISO14001, cleaner production, sustainable manufacturing principles, sustainable supply chain concepts etc.) may help your organisation to response to such issue.  (30%)

Deliverables and submission deadlines
–    Group Report            70%
–    Group Presentation   30%

During the seminars there will be significant time allocated to work on the assignment. This will give you an opportunity to meet with other group members and to discuss with the lecturers any problems you may be experiencing.

Notes on the Group Reports

Your assignment will be evaluated based on three components: breadth and depth of research; quality of analysis; quality of presentation.  The first component reflects the quantity and quality of material you find regarding the answers for the questions and the selected case(s).  Use as many sources as possible: textbooks, referred articles, newspapers, company reports, trade journals, the company web, etc.  The second component reflects coherence of your arguments and the insights of your analysis.

The third component reflects the quality of your writing (Report basic requirements).
Report’s basic requirements (Appropriate structure and logical development of discussions, Harvard referencing, introduction & conclusions, formatting, etc.)-

This is a formal academic report. Therefore, it must clearly demonstrate the use of the appropriate management and organisational behaviour theory to carry out the analyses and an appropriate level of discussion, which may be complemented with your own experience, opinion and conclusions.

This is group assignment

Reading Materials
Refer to module handbook and tutorial sessions

Submission Requirements
The assignment will need to be approximately 6,000 words in length and submitted electronic form. Detail information about how to electronically submit the assignment can be found at
Submission Date
Refer to front sheet.

Undergraduate marking scale

This scale applies to Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the University Credit Framework.
% mark
Mark Descriptors

Outstanding; high to very high standard; a high level of critical analysis and evaluation, incisive original thinking; commendable originality; exceptionally well researched; high quality presentation; exceptional clarity of ideas; excellent coherence and logic. Trivial or very minor errors.     First
60-69%    Very good
A very good standard; a very good level of critical analysis and evaluation; significant originality; well researched; a very good standard of presentation; pleasing clarity of ideas; thoughtful and effective presentation; very good sense of coherence and logic; minor errors only.     Second  Div 1
50-59%    Good
A good standard; a fairly good level of critical analysis and evaluation; some evidence of original thinking or originality; quite well researched; a good standard of presentation; ideas generally clear and coherent, some evidence of misunderstandings; some deficiencies in presentation.
Second  Div 2
40-49%    Satisfactory
A sound standard of work; a fair level of critical analysis and evaluation; little evidence of original thinking or originality; adequately researched; a sound standard of presentation; ideas fairly clear and coherent, some significant misunderstandings and errors; some weakness in style or presentation but satisfactory overall.      Third
35-39%    Unsatisfactory
Overall marginally unsatisfactory; some sound aspects but some of the following weaknesses are evident; inadequate critical analysis and evaluation; little evidence of originality; not well researched; standard of presentation unacceptable; ideas unclear and incoherent; some significant errors and misunderstandings. Marginal fail.     Marginal Fail
1-34%    Very poor
Well below the pass standard; a poor critical analysis and evaluation; no evidence of originality; poorly researched; standard of presentation totally unacceptable; ideas confused and incoherent, some serious misunderstandings and errors. A clear fail well short of the pass standard. At the bottom of the range the work demonstrates nothing of merit.
NS    Non-submission
No work has been submitted.
Z    Academic offence notation
Applies to proven instances of academic offence.


There is a growing awareness for both global and home Industries to demonstrate a responsibility for appropriate environmental awareness of impacts on the environment related to the products and services they provide.

An understanding of significant environmental issues and constraints affecting industry will be developed, gaining knowledge of application of strategies / principles used in the management of environmental systems, minimising the effects on the environment from activities in both normal and abnormal operations.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the assignment, the student should be able to:-

1    Study, evaluate and analyse appropriate environmental minimisation strategies for a chosen area of industry

The brief

Designing a sustainable organisation

Your task is to develop a detailed plan for designing a sustainable organisation. In doing so, you will come up with a product  that your organisation intends to design, manufacture and service. You will then develop a group report covering the following areas towards designing your organisation:
(1)    CSR strategy – You are expected to discuss a CSR strategy for your sustainable organisation. You also need to discuss how CSR can create commercial benefits to the organisation.    (30%)
(2)     Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) – Discuss how would apply concepts of Life Cycle   Analysis to your product and discuss possible environmental impacts associated with all the stages of product’s life from cradle to grave.   (30%)

(3)    Application of Tools and Techniques – You are then expected to investigate a particular environmental impact associated with the life cycle analysis discussed in the section 2, and critically discuss how your company should respond to tackle such issue, and what environment management systems/tools (e.g. ISO14001, cleaner production, sustainable manufacturing principles, sustainable supply chain concepts etc.) may help your organisation to response to such issue.  (30%)

Deliverables and submission deadlines
–    Group Report            70%
–    Group Presentation   30%

During the seminars there will be significant time allocated to work on the assignment. This will give you an opportunity to meet with other group members and to discuss with the lecturers any problems you may be experiencing.

Notes on the Group Reports

Your assignment will be evaluated based on three components: breadth and depth of research; quality of analysis; quality of presentation.  The first component reflects the quantity and quality of material you find regarding the answers for the questions and the selected case(s).  Use as many sources as possible: textbooks, referred articles, newspapers, company reports, trade journals, the company web, etc.  The second component reflects coherence of your arguments and the insights of your analysis.

The third component reflects the quality of your writing (Report basic requirements).
Report’s basic requirements (Appropriate structure and logical development of discussions, Harvard referencing, introduction & conclusions, formatting, etc.)-

This is a formal academic report. Therefore, it must clearly demonstrate the use of the appropriate management and organisational behaviour theory to carry out the analyses and an appropriate level of discussion, which may be complemented with your own experience, opinion and conclusions.

This is group assignment

Reading Materials
Refer to module handbook and tutorial sessions

Submission Requirements
The assignment will need to be approximately 6,000 words in length and submitted electronic form. Detail information about how to electronically submit the assignment can be found at
Submission Date
Refer to front sheet.

Undergraduate marking scale

This scale applies to Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the University Credit Framework.
% mark
Mark Descriptors

Outstanding; high to very high standard; a high level of critical analysis and evaluation, incisive original thinking; commendable originality; exceptionally well researched; high quality presentation; exceptional clarity of ideas; excellent coherence and logic. Trivial or very minor errors.     First
60-69%    Very good
A very good standard; a very good level of critical analysis and evaluation; significant originality; well researched; a very good standard of presentation; pleasing clarity of ideas; thoughtful and effective presentation; very good sense of coherence and logic; minor errors only.     Second  Div 1
50-59%    Good
A good standard; a fairly good level of critical analysis and evaluation; some evidence of original thinking or originality; quite well researched; a good standard of presentation; ideas generally clear and coherent, some evidence of misunderstandings; some deficiencies in presentation.
Second  Div 2
40-49%    Satisfactory
A sound standard of work; a fair level of critical analysis and evaluation; little evidence of original thinking or originality; adequately researched; a sound standard of presentation; ideas fairly clear and coherent, some significant misunderstandings and errors; some weakness in style or presentation but satisfactory overall.      Third
35-39%    Unsatisfactory
Overall marginally unsatisfactory; some sound aspects but some of the following weaknesses are evident; inadequate critical analysis and evaluation; little evidence of originality; not well researched; standard of presentation unacceptable; ideas unclear and incoherent; some significant errors and misunderstandings. Marginal fail.     Marginal Fail
1-34%    Very poor
Well below the pass standard; a poor critical analysis and evaluation; no evidence of originality; poorly researched; standard of presentation totally unacceptable; ideas confused and incoherent, some serious misunderstandings and errors. A clear fail well short of the pass standard. At the bottom of the range the work demonstrates nothing of merit.
NS    Non-submission
No work has been submitted.
Z    Academic offence notation
Applies to proven instances of academic offence.