Consider how the social instability affects the child in your selection

Analysis :

Select from either The Chain, a short story about Afghanistan, or œAn adoption case straight out of the theatre of the absurd, a newspaper article about a Brazilian baby.

Consider how the social instability affects the child in your selection.  Consider the economic, political, migration, and social systems.

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From the point of view of either the œlead boy in The Chain, or the baby in An adoption case straight out of the theatre of the absurd, write a personal reflection.  Your reflection may be a journal entry, poem, song lyrics, blog entry, or any other type of personal reflective writing.

In your role as either the boy or the baby, write a personal reflection that explains your situation, and how you are personally affected by human rights violations, and the economic, political, and geographic instability of your environment.  Explain how the current social institutions and systems are affecting your own life, your family, and your community.  Use your journal notes and specific details and examples from your selection.  Identify what your current needs are, and the likelihood of having your needs met in the near future.


Do some independent research on the situation and issues in your selection.  Select a variety of at least three (3) different resources that identify social initiatives that are aimed at improving the conditions of children who are currently experiencing social instability.  Critically evaluate each of your resources for bias and credibility.  Keep track of your articles with APA citations.

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Based on your research, report on social institutions and systems that are either currently affecting change on the instability described in your resource, or that have the potential to improve the conditions the child is experiencing.  Explain how these interventions address the issues in your selection.  If there are insufficient existing initiatives, brainstorm some proactive grassroots solutions that would be effective.  Explain what issues social scientists need to research to better understand your individual situation on a larger scale.

Include a bibliography of your selection and resources.

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