Congress – trustee or delegate

Congress – trustee or delegate

Type of service:            Academic Writing

Work type:        Other : Homework

Format: Not applicable

Pages:  1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:         History

Title:     Congress

Answer the 4 questions (275 words total)

Members of congress can either serve as a trustee or delegate. A delegate is a representative who votes according to the wishes of his or her constituents (voters within their district), while a trustee exercises his own judgment.

  1. Do you believe members of congress should vote exactly as their constituents would like them to or do you believe there are times when a representative should ignore the wants of voters and create laws based on their own values and what they feel is the best decision? 
  2. Is it important for Congress to look like America?
  3. Can people who do not look like us actually represent us?
  4. Do women have to be represented by women or Hispanics by Hispanics?