computer network

 Read each problem carefully. Failure to follow the instructions for a problem will result in a zero score for that problem._x000D_
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  1.    An IPv4 datagram has arrived with the following partial information in the header (in hexadecimal)
  2. _x000D_

4500003C  00030000  1A06 . . . ._x000D_


  1. What is the header size?
  2. _x000D_

  3. Are there any options in the packet?
  4. _x000D_

  5. What is the size of the data?
  6. _x000D_

  7. How many more routers can the packet travel to?
  8. _x000D_

  9. What is the protocol number of the payload being carried by the packet?
  10. _x000D_

Note: See figure 4-6 and table 4.2_x000D_


  1.   Rewrite the following IP addresses using binary notation.
  2. _x000D_

  3.                        b.
  4. _x000D_



  1. 3.  Find the class of the following IP addresses
  2. _x000D_

  3.                       b.
  4. _x000D_



  1. 4.   The IP network is a virtual network and must rely on a link layer network to transport a frame. What elements support getting an IP frame over an Ethernet LAN.
  2. _x000D_



  1. Given the following circuit diagram and the cost for each circuit.
  2. _x000D_



  1. What is the least cost path for communications between points A and Z?
  2. _x000D_



  1. What path has the minimum amount of hops?
  2. _x000D_

           – D – – – – E – – – – F – _x000D_
         -           -             –_x000D_
       -           -               –_x000D_
     A – – – – – – G – – – – – – – – Z_x000D_
     -                             –_x000D_
        -                         –_x000D_
         H – – – – – – – – I – – _x000D_
           Link   Cost_x000D_
           A – D – 2_x000D_
           D – E – 5 _x000D_
           E – F – 2_x000D_
           F – Z – 3_x000D_
           A – G – 8_x000D_
           E – G – 1_x000D_
           G – Z – 7       _x000D_
           A – H – 6_x000D_
           H – I – 4_x000D_
           I – Z – 1_x000D_
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