Composition 1010 Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

Instructor: Bo Allen

Initial, Graded Draft of Final Project

Initial, Graded Draft of Final Project

Directions: For your single claim/thesis, write out three sets of support. Each must begin with a ground that is supported by a warrant, and at least two of the sets must use backing. Additionally, acknowledge two rebuttals.

This initial draft should square you away with the bare minimum requirements for your final project; however, it counts in-of-itself, not just as a stepping stone, but grade-wise.[1]

The claim will have to be spelled out as a full thesis statement, and warrants, being explanations, will naturally have to be expressed through logically connected, clear, and complete statements; and rebuttals should be phrased as pointed, articulate questions. Grounds, however, only need to be established with precision; and the same goes for backing, except backing cannot be hypothetical and specific source information needs to be included.[2]

You are free to take it further than all that, but be certain to take it at least that far.

Essentially, the assignment boils down to a formal outline. It should be constructed mindfully and take on a professional appearance, especially to the end that its reader understands and therefor can evaluate how the claim is being supported and demonstrated.

Below, note the basic layout for a set of support.[3] (Spruce up the look to fit your vision.)

1A, 1B, & 1C: Claim: (The formally spelled out claim/thesis that will be the same for each set.)

2A: Ground: (The first, specific piece of evidence to be used to demonstrate the claim.)

3A: Warrant: (The clear, logical reason that explains why/how this ground supports the claim.)

4A: Backing: (The research (data/set of information) that shows the warrant and ground are true and/or actually apply to the specific claim.)

5A: Rebuttal: (The reasonable counterargument you can anticipate someone making against the argument, which you acknowledge to strengthen your own position or out of fairness.)

(*Note: unlike the other steps, a rebuttal may be moved around and placed between steps 2 and 3 or 3 and 4, too.)

[1] It will count as both a homework assignment and a full essay.

[2] You are not yet being required to use the MLA format or any other professional citation formatting system. But try to, and at the minimum, provide the specific title/name of each source.

[3]Remember that you will need three sets for this project, though you are only required a total of two backings and two rebuttals.

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