Comparison and Contrast of Research Designs

Choose an industrial/organizational (I/O) topic of interest. A nonexhaustive list of research topic suggestions includes leadership, job satisfaction, organizational culture, measuring performance, work–life balance, compensation, selection, recruitment, retention, employee engagement, training, and emotional intelligence.


Once you have selected your topic, you will conduct a literature review on that topic. Locate three scholarly peer-reviewed articles (published within the last five to seven years) that have investigated your research topic:



  • One of the articles needs to have employed an experimental research design.
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  • One of the articles needs to have employed a quasi-experimental research design.
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  • One of the articles needs to have employed a mixed-methods research design.
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Read, summarize, analyze, and critique each of the articles. For each article, your analysis should:



  • Summarize the results of the study.
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  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research.
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  • Discuss the appropriateness of the research design for the study, the reliability, the validity, sampling methods, and any potential bias.
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  • Identify any ethical or diversity issues.
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