Community and youth
Type of service:
Not specified
Double spacing
Paper format:
Number of pages:
5 pages
Number of sources:
1 source
Paper details:
Dear Writer,
This is a paper for community psychology class. It is a very specific paper. “This paper must be based on critical analysis of a peer-reviewed journal article relevant to community psychology” per instructions of the professor. It needs to be written in APA (using in-text citations as needed/necessary), Times New Roman Font. It does not need a abstract because the paper should be written in an (Essay form and have the following format and cover these things: Opening “What is going on?, Middle “Date involved, methods, how?”, Conclusion “Summary, why?”, and a reference page. It does need a title page. This is the title of the article that was approved by the professor: Systematic Review: Exposure to Community Violence and Physical Health Outcomes in Youth. Please ONLY and ONLY use this article for the assignment. Please reach out to me if you have any further questions. Thank you so much.