Communication Basics and Effective Listening Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay

Read the following scenario:

Your workplace has recently experienced issues regarding effective listening. Some employees are not “hearing” what is being communicated by upper management. This is evident in the way projects are being turned in without all tasks completed. In response, your manager has asked you to provide your coworkers with information to help them boost their listening skills.

Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation that answers the following questions: 

  • Why is listening important?
  • Why is listening important in the workplace?
  • What is active listening?
  • How does one show they are an active listener?
  • What are some effective listening strategies?
  • What are some barriers to effective listening?
  • How might you overcome these barriers?

Use bullet points and graphics or images on the slides, and detailed information in the speaker notes.

Note: Review p. 461 of Ch. 14 of Excellence in Business Communication for extra tips.

Cite any sources used and remember to include a title page according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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