classroom management

classroom management

Order Description


From the list of evidence-based practices in classroom and behaviour management outlined in this article, (see Table 1), choose 5 different practices.
Locate 1 high-quality JOURNAL ARTICLE on each of the 5 practices you chose from the Table.
All articles MUST have been published in the last 5 years… so 2010+ only articles.
*So your AB will contain 5 reviews, each review will be on one practice, and will review one article on that practice.
DO NOT REVIEW BOOKS OR BOOK CHAPTERS = zero marks for each such review.
Before you email your lecturer or tutors, please refer to the FAQ sheet for this task here. There is a very high chance your question has already been asked and

What sort of articles MUST I choose?
1. The article MUST be from a journal on the high quality list supplied below.

*Inclusion of articles from a journal beyond/outside this list will lose marks.
WARNING: Reviews derived from The Clearing House will not be marked = 0 marks for that review.
2. It should be an empirical study – one that reports some sort of experimental use of the strategy or approach. It will contain numbers in a table in the results

sections, graphs, showing before and after the strategy/approach was implemented. It may even report an effect size Meta-analyses are also fine to review here, but

must be focused on just one strategy/approach.
3. The article you review MUST be focused on an evidence-based practice (strategy or approach) that can be used to manage classrooms or student behaviour in the

inclusive (mainstream/regular education) classroom.
*Articles that report the use of the strategy in a special education/resource room/segregated setting/classroom will lose marks. These strategies will also likely work

well in a mainstream class, however, I would like you to locate ones tested in mainstream classes – given that the majority of you will be working in mainstream

classes. It is ok if the student/s they applied the strategy to had a diagnosis, just have to be in mainstream classroom when the strategy was applied.
4. More than 50% of the content must be focused on that (one) strategy/approach in the article.
*Articles that discuss a number of strategies are not suitable, as they do not provide sufficient depth on the strategy/practice. You will lose marks if you choose to

review such an article.
I have found my article, now what?
1. Provide the full reference for the article you locate at the start of each review using APA style (6th ed.). Here is a link to an APA how to guide; please use it or

lose easy marks.
This includes providing the doi. Most journals post 2010 should have a doi. Copy and paste it as they can be quite lengthy. Please make the font align in style and

size when you do this
*Failure to attempt to use APA 6th ed. will result in a loss of marks.
2. You MUST review the article using the standard UNSW Annotated Bibliography guidelines available here (
* Please note, for ease they colour code and put numbers in so they can make clear what is what for you, to assist your comprehension. DO NOT colour code or number

your AB review.
3. IN ADDITION, Provide a 2nd paragraph that;
a) begins with one sentence that succinctly states why you felt it was important to include it in your review (yes you can use first-person I here)
b) explicitly identify links between what you read in the article to content covered (up to an including Week 3 content) in the lectures/tutorials and prescribed

e.g., Strategy x was mentioned in Lecture 2 (slide z), and was also discussed in Scott et al. (2012), page xx-xx. Scott et al. suggested that …(include one aspect of

the strategy mentioned in your reading).
* Failure to make explicit links to our course content and readings will result in a loss of marks.
c) explicitly relate it to one personal experience that you had during Professional Engagement (EDST2002) or for Art and Design students, your first professional

experience placement if completed.
e.g., During my EDST2002 placement/Professional Experience, I used/observed the use of x … (describe briefly how used and outcome in a real classroom).
Each review should be around 400 words long.
List of high quality, peer-reviewed journals
Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions
Journal of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Psychology in the Schools
Teaching Exceptional Children
Education and Treatment of Children
Teaching and Teacher Education
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Australasian Journal of Special Education
Journal of Behavioral Education
Journal of Educational Psychology
British Journal of Educational Psychology
Behavioral Disorders
Behavior Modification
School Psychology Review
Middle school Journal
Preventing School Failure
Educational Psychology
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Journal of Instructional Psychology
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Pedagogy, Culture and Society
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
School Psychology International
The Journal of Educational Research