classroom issues

classroom issues

Discipline: – Teacher’s Career

Type of service: Essay

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 3 pages

Number of sources: 4 sources

Three Essays: ONE PAGE FOR EACH TOPIC!!!!!!!

Situation: PLEASE write on these topics and add what you think is needed.
1. Teacher of another class (My Mentor) has no control over her students. She is continuously interrupting my class and attempting to create a problem. I spoke with her and set boundaries. I enforced strict classroom management and quickly put an end to it.
2. I found out a student was suicidal. I spoke with her gained her confidence and went to guidance for support. DFYS was called for personal issues I will not discuss here, but supportive services in school and out of school were put into place. I also collaborated with the INRS department and guidance office and a support group was started for teen girls dealing with personal issues as additional support for like students.
3. Phone issue in class and administration wanting teachers to handle the issue in class. I have strict classroom management and have a policy that if the red light is up, no phones or lunch detention, green light allows students to use their phones for research purposes and student who follow rules are rewarded.

Final essays will contain a description of three (3) challenging situations relating to a student, faculty member, parents, or administrator.
As a final project, your responses should be representative of integration and application of pedagogy and appropriate terminology. As you select your challenges, be very aware of selecting topics which you can discuss in professional terms, and which would be appropriate to present to a potential or current employer as a demonstration of growth.

1. One introductory statement: Description of your content area Allied Health (nursing), 10 & 11th grade, 80 students (20 per class), 4 classes. The school district is urban.
2. One page essay: Challenge #1
3. One page essay: Challenge #2
4. One page essay: Challenge #3
Essay Format: Describe and discuss a challenge or difficult situation in detail.
1. Describe the ways in which you handled the challenge.
2. How you could have handled it differently, or how you met the challenge appropriately (support with research/pedagogy terms).
3. Repeat for Situations 2 and 3