cinema and experience

cinema and experience

Order Description

Part 1: four short answer questions (250 words each): 20%
You must answer all four questions (250 words each). These questions require you to explain and apply key concepts from the attached readings.
In each question you will be required to view a short film clip and then apply a key concept from the set reading to a close analysis of the clip. In order to do this

you will need to be familiar with the key concepts developed in set readings. You will need to view the clip several times until you understand how it works and,

drawing on a close analysis of the clip to back up your argument, write a 250-word response to each question. This is an exercise in close viewing and analysis: it is

not a research task. You will need to draw on key concepts from the set reading but you must not rely on other sources on the film, such as reviews, to develop your

analysis and you will be penalised for doing so.

Question 1: 250 words
Watch Clip 1 from Avatar (dir. James Cameron, 2009). How does THIS SCENE integrate elements of spectacle with the conventions of mainstream narrative that Speidel (in

Nelmes) describes? Give specific examples from the scene to support your argument.

You can find a plot summary of the film here, if you want to look at it (not compulsory).

Question 2: 250 words
Watch Clip 2 from Hero (dir. Zhang Yimou, 2002). How does THIS SCENE ‘put melos into drama’, as Elsaesser describes it. Give specific examples from the scene to

support your argument.

You can find a plot summary of the film here, if you want to look at it (not compulsory).

Question 3: 250 words
Watch Clip 3 from The Great Gatsby (dir. Baz Luhrmann 2013). How does THIS SCENE use narrative as a ‘scaffold, matrix or web that allows for a wide range of aesthetic

effects and experiences’, as Hansen writes (quoted in Rutherford). Give specific examples from the scene to support your argument.

You can find a plot summary of the film here, if you want to look at it (not compulsory).

Question 4: 250 words
Watch Clip 4 from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (dir. Ang Lee 2000). How does THIS SCENE work to enhance the kind of embodied spectatorship that Hiltunen and Hawkins

discuss. Give specific examples from the scene to support your argument.