Choose an example of an experiential retail environment (theme park, flagship brand store, festival marketplace, theme pub/restaurant/hotel etc) and analyse in depth how it creates symbolic meanings

Essay Topic:

Choose an example of an experiential retail environment (theme park, flagship brand store, festival marketplace, theme pub/restaurant/hotel etc) and analyse in depth how it creates symbolic meanings. Evaluate whether you think these are effective or not for the environment you have chosen.

Recommended Text Books

The assigned readings to prepare for the lecture each week are taken from:

Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and M.K. Hogg  (2009) Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, Prentice-Hall: New Jersey. (ISBN 0-273-68752-2) 338.75834 SOL

This book is available at the College Bookshop. An Internet site that may be of assistance for sourcing relevant readings is
. Other sites for journal articles are:

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There are a number of excellent Consumer Behaviour texts that cover similar material, albeit at different intellectual levels and from alternative perspectives. Some of these are listed here:

Desmond, J. (2003) Consumer Behaviour, Palgrave: London,(ISBN 0-333-04992-7)

Schiffman, L.G. and L.L. Kanuk (1999) Consumer Behavior, Prentice-Hall: New Jersey. (ISBN 0130841293)

Chisnall, P.M. (1994) Consumer Behaviour, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill: London. (ISBN 0030211085)

Engel, J.F., R.D. Blackwell and P.W. Miniard, Consumer Behaviour, 7th or 8th edition, The Dryden Press. (ISBN 0030211085)

Assael, H., 1998. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action, 6th edition, PWS-Kent: Massachusetts. (ISBN 0538867701)

Foxall, G.R., Goldsmith, R.E. and Brown, S. (1998) Consumer Psychology for Marketing, Thomson Business Press: London. (ISBN 1861523718)

In the Bedford Library is an interesting and classic text, which takes a critical view of marketers (referring to them as the ˜depth manipulators™), is the following:

Packard, V., (1981) The Hidden Persuaders, Penguin Books: London.

You are also encouraged to consult consumer behaviour, advertising and marketing related publications on a regular basis. Some of these are Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Culture, Consumption, Markets & Culture, Marketing Theory and the Journal of Macromarketing. .

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