characteristics of the sources

characteristics of the sources

What are some of the characteristics of the sources you intend to pick for your research paper? Why do you think those particular types of sources are effective choices to support your point of view?

To make supporting points, it’s important to find relevant, accurate, and reliable sources. What should you consider when looking for helpful sources? What are some red flags that indicate you should avoid a particular source?

Quotations from reliable sources can add authority to any project. However, too many quotations can be distracting and can overwhelm your own original thinking. Many instructors would say that no more than 15% to 20% of your paper should be directly quoted text. Do you agree with this rule? Why? What will you do to make sure you stay within appropriate limits?

the effectiveness of using social media to bring attention to WhizBang Games. In general, do you think the benefits outweigh the problems of publicizing any business in this way? Why or why not?
Imagine that you are in a situation for an extended period of time without access to mass media. Would your life style be significantly different? Explain.
Social media appears to add different benefits and values. What benefits do social media offer for your personal use? What type of negative experiences, if any, have you had from social media? Compare your answers with those of your classmates. How do they differ?
Do you think virtual interactive communities are genuine communities? Why or why not?
Do you think the makers of violent- and sexually-themed games should be held responsible for the behavior of those who play them? Why or why not? How much responsibility do parents have in allowing children exposure to these sources?