Case Studies: Different CIOs, Different Results

Case Studies: Different CIOs, Different Results


What makes for a successful CIO, a successful IT leader in general, and a successful IT strategy? This week’s activities focus on cases pulled from recent literature—examples of CIOs and strategy in play. Be sure to look for culture, ethics, innovation; all of the themes that we have covered to date.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

  1. Research exemplary instances of CIOs, their roles in organizations, and ways in which they extended their value throughout their organization.
  2. Analyze a successful or failed IT turnaround case and the role and communication approaches of the IT leadership in the case.
  3. Develop an enterprise strategy for IT and an IT strategy for an organization.
  4. Analyze the alignment between an enterprise strategy and an IT strategy.
  5. Assess change management plans for implementing an enterprise-level strategy and an IT-level strategy in an enterprise.
  6. Create a plan for risk management in an enterprise.
  7. Analyze the alignment between a risk management plan and an IT enterprise strategy.
  8. Evaluate the role of a CIO or IT leadership in forming IT strategy, mitigating risk, and instilling values in the organizational culture.


Locate articles that illustrate IT leaders or the CIOs using different types of IT strategies. Consider the topics covered throughout the course when completing your search. Find either exemplary cases of either successful or unsuccessful CIOs or IT leaders. You will use one of your articles in the discussion in this unit.