

1.Does the SCOTUS allow televising or outside media recording of its OWN proceedings? Any idea why or why not? Has any Justice flipflopped on this since becoming a SCOTUS Justice? Why do some Justices consider proposed laws which might require openness and camera a “separation of powers” issue under the Constitution (ironically, what some might tag the POTUS for)?

2. What about US Courts of Appeal, and individual federal judges and magistrates? Would it matter if an accused terrorist/killer/planner, whether foreigner or US citizen, 9-11 or Boston marathon bombing or murdering children by bombing a federal building as Tim McVeigh did, was going through the arraignment –to-full trial process?

3. Miniature police body cameras–are they a panacea for incidents such as the killings of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Mo., or Eric Garner in New York? Would they replace social media/citizen journalism? Indeed, who’d have access to the raw digital footage in light of a heated controversy?