Business Studies Communication Triangle

Business Studies  Communication Triangle

Work type:         Book/movie review

Format:                Not applicable

Pages:   1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Deadline:             Mar 14, 2020 at 10:16 PM (2 d, 23 h, 58 m)

Academic level:                Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:      Business Studies

Title:      Writer’s choice

Number of sources:        0

Paper instructions:

Reading textbook (Writing at Work) and answer questions—pp. 1-37


Reading Questions—pp. 1-37 Writing at Work


  1. Explain why writing toward an audience is significant.


  1. What is the Communication Triangle? Provide an example.


  1. Explain the 3 stages of the writing process as illustrated in the text.


  1. Explain how jargons and acronyms should and should not be used.


  1. What is the difference between these three types of rules: real rules, nonrules, and house rules?


  1. Correct the following sentence & explain why:

If someone is interested in the issue, they should attend the meetings where the can make their opinion heard.


  1. Correct the following sentence & explain why:

We have gathered a number of data.


  1. Correct the following sentence & explain why:

A total of 157 people has completed registration.



  1. Correct the following sentence & explain why:

He don’t know where the new manufacturing site is going to be.



  1. Correct the following sentence & explain why:

To many writers are unsure about alot of punctuation rules.


  1. Correct the following sentence & explain why:

None of the racers didn’t finish.