building a successful social media campaign

building a successful social media campaign

Discipline: Business

Type of service: Questionnaire

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: MLA

Number of pages: 1 page

Number of sources: 6 sources

Paper details

Please see Paper Details. 6 sources are the 6 article links.

  1. Read the following articles and stats:


Twitter Stats

Facebook Stats


Instagram Stats


  1. After reading the articles on social media and the statistics on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, answer these questions:
  • What are some important items to consider in building a successful social media campaign? List one of the 10 Outstanding Digital Marketing Campaigns from 2018 and explain what was done well.
  • After reading through the statistics on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, explain what the implications are for business.
  • Choose one of the Instagram tools and download to your mobile device.  Describe how the tools could be used by a business to promote a product or service.