Bottling Company Case Study

  1. Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for ounces in the bottles.
  2. Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the ounces in the bottles.
  3. Conduct a hypothesis test to verify if the claim that a bottle contains less than sixteen (16) ounces is supported. Clearly state the logic of your test, the calculations, and the conclusion of your test.
  4. Provide the following discussion based on the conclusion of your test: 
    • If you conclude that there are less than sixteen (16) ounces in a bottle of soda, speculate on three (3) possible causes. Next, suggest the strategies to avoid the deficit in the future.


    • If you conclude that the claim of less soda per bottle is not supported or justified, provide a detailed explanation to your boss about the situation. Include your speculation on the reason(s) behind the claim, and recommend one (1) strategy geared toward mitigating this issue in the future.
  1. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. The body of the paper must have in-text citations that correspond to the references.

Bottle Number   Ounces

1   14.5

2   14.6

3   14.7

4   14.8

5   14.9

6   15.3

7   14.9

8   15.5

9   14.8

10   15.2

11   15

12   15.1

13   15

14   14.4

15   15.8

16   14

17   16

18   16.1

19   15.8

20   14.5

21   14.1

22   14.2

23   14

24   14.9

25   14.7

26   14.5

27   14.6

28   14.8

29   14.8

30   14.6

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