Biomechanics 1, Coursework 1: Qualitative analysis of the standing vertical jump

p>This coursework will contribute 50% of your final mark for the module.
Submission deadline: The deadline for submission is 23:59 on Sunday 01 May 2016. The
work is to be submitted via Turnitin.
You are required to write a report incorporating a general description and anatomical
analysis of the standing vertical jump. You only need to consider movement in the sagittal
plane. You should pay attention to the use of proper anatomical and movement terminology.
To aid your report you should break the movement down into phases of your choosing. It
should include at least one phase before and after flight. The beginning and end of each
phase should be clearly defined and you should use figures (generated from the associated
recording – next page) to illustrate these instances. Your report should include description of
the most significant upper and lower body movements throughout the jump. This should
include ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder joint actions, and movement of the trunk. Where
relevant, comment on the general purpose of each phase and the movements.
In addition, you should include a more detailed analysis of the lower limb joints (hip, knee,
ankle) for periods when the feet are in contact with the ground. In addition to joint actions,
this more detailed analysis should include the causes of the joint actions (i.e. muscular,
momentum, gravity, passive), the primary muscles active at each joint, and the type of
muscle action they are undergoing (i.e. concentric, eccentric, isometric).
If there are any interesting elements or neuromuscular considerations for safe and effective
performance of the vertical jump, you should refer to these where relevant.
Your report should be clear enough that a reader could visualise and understand the
movement just from your text and your figures.
You are not required to evaluate the performance/technique of the particular subject you
have recorded or prescribe improvements to technique. The purpose of the associated
recording (next page) is to provide you with a video to study the general aspects of the
movement as well as to generate figures for the report.
The report must be in essay format. Do not submit anatomical analysis tables as used in the
week 5 session. However, you are encouraged to create such a table for your own use (not
for submission) as it will help you decide what to include in the report.
? Front page should start with the title of the work, the module name, your name and
student number.
? The report must be in essay format.
? It is up to you to decide how to order the content of your report. You may use subheadings if you wish.
? Each figure should be accompanied by a concise figure title and referred to appropriately
from the main text.
? It is good academic practice to cite evidence to substantiate claims. If you reference the
work of others in your report, you should use the American Psychological Association
referencing format. This is the format used by the Journal of Sports Sciences.
? Use 12-point font with double line spacing.
? Refer to additional guidelines in section 5 of the module guide.
Word limit
Excluding any reference list, try to keep the number of words below 1,250. There will be
some leniency if you go slightly above this limit, but do not exceed 1,500 words.
Associated Recording
To provide you with a video to study the general aspects of the movement, as well as to
generate figures for the report, you will use a camcorder to perform a recording of the
vertical jump in small groups. You are not being assessed on the recording.
After recording some trials, decide which representative trial you would like made available
to you for later viewing.