Benefits and the Compensation Budget

p>Phase IV: Benefits and the Compensation Budget -part of the final document-due in Week 7

*Look at Phase I for information of compensation and benefits! This is what this company will be using!

Directions I will upload the paper in the additional documents which will contain the other Phases which include Phase I, Phase 11, & Phase III. The other phases are completed. Please write Phase IV- Benefits and the Compensation Budget -Please write based on the information in this paper. The name of the company is Décor & More. Provide headers for each section discussed below. *After the Phase IV is completed write a ONE PAGE FOR THE Executive Summary, and a Conclusion for the entire paper. 10 pages long including the executive summary and conclusion for the entire paper.

In this Phase IV, you will focus on benefits and the compensation budget.

1.) What benefits will be offered with the company plan? Describe the benefits that will be offered. This should include details on the plan.

2.) Develop a budget and projection for total compensation for five years. Project the costs for each program included in your plan for all phases in the project. Create a chart for the budget and the projection for five years. Compensation budget accurately includes all items in the compensation project.

3.) Consider your percentage of sales for the organization in year one through year five. You are not required to project the company sales volume. Will the company be able to maintain the sales increases to support your proposed pay increases annually?