Assignment Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

In a well-crafted piece of writing, ~500 words in length, answer the following question. Be sure to draw on the lesson notes and the concrete details of the story. Clearly, American towns do not engage in an annual sacrificial rite of stoning. At the literal level, the story is not representing reality. Of course, we regularly hear of violent incidents where an individual—for “reasons” of sex, race, religion, lifestyle—are singled out by a group and violently attacked, even killed. But Jackson is pointing to a more institutionally organized and sanctioned kind of violence. Given that the annual stoning is a fictive, imaginative event (though with historical precedents, like the pharmakos rites of ancient Greece), in what ways does it depict truths and realities about American (more broadly western) culture? Do we learn something about ourselves, our society and culture, through this story? If so, what?

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