Assignment 3. Sales Planning

p>(33.3% of the module

This Assignment requires you to build upon Assignment 2 with the aim of producing a Sales Plan for selling the product in the Kingston-Upon-

Thames area – your defined sales territory. You will need to identify, prioritise and target areas characterised by KT postal codes. Again,

this will relate to the product featured in the case study – Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower – Case Ref: 9-502-030.
This third Assignment will be presentation consisting of a maximum of 30 slides. You plan should follow a ‘check list’ format. The check list

is listed within this assignment brief.
The Task
You are an Aqualiza Sales Manager who has just been given responsibility for a sales territory to the South West and West of London. The

territory is called ‘Kingston-Upon-Thames’ and is defined as all of the geography covered by the Kingston (KT) post codes. Having completed

your background analysis and presented it in Assignment 2, you are now required to develop your ideas further by constructing a Sales Plan,

based on this analysis.
You are required to prepare a Powerpoint presentation consisting of a maximum of 30 slides. Your presentation should be submitted

electronically in a Pdf format.
Your sales plan will relate to the same case study as you focused on in Assignment 2. In addition, you can augment your thinking through up to

date on-line searches. More specifically, Assignment 3 is all about translating your thinking as based on the historic, theoretical information

as contained in the case study, into the real world situation as it exists today. You can only do this through additional on-line searching.

You may also have to make some logical assumptions in order to be able to complete this assignment. For example, if you select a selling price

for Aqualiza Quartz of £X, then assume that the cost price is 50% of £X.
Assume that you have been tasked with launching the new Eco product across all of the Kingston (KT) postcodes in September 2016. Your Company

has set you the objective of covering all independent retailers, includes all retailers not in a chain . Your Company is also expecting that

your Sales Team’s activities will reach or exceed operational ‘break even’ within six months of launch.
The sections of your plan should be headed as follows (The Check list):
1. Title, name, KU number.
2. Short resume of the market opportunity.
3. Sales objectives within a specified timescale (3 months, 6 months, 12 months etc.). You need to communicate target revenue, margin, %

market share etc.
4. Sales environment – B2B – focussing on small / medium independent retailers where the buying centre is located within the KT postal

code area.
5. Target segments and prioritisation?
6. How many target customers within each segment?
7. DMP & DMU for each targeted customer
8. Geographical concentration/spread?
9. Justify the number of sales cycles required?
10. How many sales visitsper customer, per company with rationale to secure a purchase commitment?
11. Time interval between visits with justification?
12. Thinking of the selling process and potential customer attitudes describe the sales objective per call for each customer per company in

each sales cycle.
13. How many representatives needed to cover geography/visits/timescale?
14. Will they require additional training – with justification?
15. How will they be recruited and what will the recruitment process entail– please justify rationale?
16. Cost of sales representatives (cost at a salary of £50k each

plus on costs of 50% to include cars etc.).
17. Specify other channels of local communication & local promotion required.
18. What promotional tools will be required to support the sales call and how much will it cost?
19. Approximate the budget required to fund each channel of communication & promotion?
20. Specify what selling price you will adopt in your plan.
21. Specify what margin you will be working to in order to achieve your plan’s objectives.
22. Conclusions
23. References
Marking guidelines for Assignment 3
1. Single slide with Title, name, KU number (3 %).
2. Single slide appropriately summarising the market opportunity(5%).
3. Single slide appropriately describing – Sales objectives within a specified timescale (3 months, 6 months, 12 months etc.). You need to

communicate target revenue, margin, % market share etc (5%).
4. Single slide appropriate describing sales environment – B2B – focussing on small / medium independent retailers where the buying centre

is located within the KT postal code area (5%).
5. One to two slides with table appropriately describing and justifying Target segments and prioritisation (5%)?
6. One slide with table listing and justifying how many target customers within each segment (5%)?
7. Two slides with table appropriately describing & justifying DMP & DMU for each targeted customer (5%).
8. Single slide appropriately describing Geographical concentration/spread (2%)?
9. Single slide appropriately justifying the number of sales cycles required (2%)?
10. Several slides appropriately describing and justifying how many sales visits per customer per company with rationale to secure a

purchase commitment (5%)?
11. One to two slides appropriately describing time intervals between visits with justification (5%)?
12. One to two slide to justify sales objective for each call per customer per visit (5%).
13. One slide to justify how many representatives needed to cover geography/visits/timescale (3%)?
14. One slide describing whether they will they require additional training – with justification (3%)?
15. One slide justifying how will they be recruited and what will the recruitment process entail– please justify rationale (3%)?
16. One slide justifying cost of sales representatives (cost at a salary of £50k each plus on costs of 50%to include cars etc.) (5%).
17. One slide specifying other channels of local communication & local promotion required (3%).
18. One slide justifying what promotional tools will be required to support the sales call and how much will it cost (5%)?
19. One slide justifying approximate budget required for funding each channel of communication & promotion (5%)?
20. ½ slide specifying & justifying what selling price you will adopt in your plan (2%)
21. ½ slide specifying& justifying what margin you will be working to in order to achieve your plan’s objectives (2%).
22. Profit & Loss spreadsheet for the revenue and costs for the period to include the number of sales cycles selected (10%).
23. One slide of conclusions (2%).
24. One slide for references (2%).

General – Good tidy slides, not busy, appropriate sized fonts, good structure and layout, appropriate referencing on additional slide (Slide

25) where appropriate of source material as well as referencing relevant theory on slides to support justification of rationale (8%).
Assignment 3 should be submitted electronically at 9am on 14th of April via turnitin.

You are welcome to come and discuss assignment 3 and gain formative feedback during my drop in sessions – please email me for an appointment.

Submission Dates
All Assignments 1, 2 and 3 should be submitted in separate turnitin boxes at 9am on the 14th of April 2016.
All written assignments for this module are subject to the University’s regulations on submitting assignments: “The University operates a

default period within which a student may submit work late and continue to be awarded a mark. This default period is up to 7 calendar days from

the point of the initial deadline for submission. Work that is judged to be of the required pass standard will be capped at the minimum pass

Undergraduate Grade Criteria: Level 6
First 85-100 A+ Outstanding Your work meets all of the criteria described below for the A and A- grades. On top of that, it shows

that you have got an exceptional grasp of the skills and knowledge covered in this module. Your work also shows that you are able to analyse

key concepts in a way that is unusually advanced for this level of study and that goes beyond the theories and models that we studied.
Your work shows that you have followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate

1st 75-85



A- Excellent

Very Good Your work shows a thorough grasp of the skills and knowledge required for this module. It is clear from your work that you

have engaged in wide reading and study that goes well beyond the core areas needed to complete the assessment.
Your work shows a good ability to analyse key concepts using the models and theories that we covered in the course of the module. You have

shown that you are able to define problems and/or practical issues clearly and to apply appropriate methods and tools covered in the module to

tackle them.
Your work shows that you have followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate


2.1 67-69

B- Good Your work shows a good knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this module.
Your work also shows that you are able to analyse ideas using the principles, theories and approaches that we covered in the module.
Your work also shows that you are able to define problems and/or practical issues clearly and to apply appropriate methods and tools covered in

the module. However, although your work does show that you recognise some of the complexities of this area of study, not all of your

conclusions are based on sufficient evidence.
Most of your work shows good academic practice in terms citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
2.2 57-59

Satisfactory Your work shows some knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this module.
Your work tends to be descriptive, with only limited analysis using the principles, theories and approaches that we covered in the module.
There is some evidence in your work that you have applied the methods and tools covered in the module appropriately. You have recognised some,

but not all, of the complexities of this area of study.
Your work follows good academic practice to some extent in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
3rd 47-49

Adequate Your work shows that you have gained a basic knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this module.
Your work is descriptive, rather than analytical, and you have made a number of assertions without any evidence to back up your arguments.
There is some evidence in your work that you have applied the methods and tools covered in the module appropriately.
Your work shows some evidence of good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English,

but this is not always consistent throughout.
Marginal Fail 35-39 F5 Unsatisfactory Your work shows only a limited knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this

Your work is descriptive and shows no attempt to analyse ideas or arguments. There are some inaccuracies in your work and it is not always

logical or coherent.
Your work has not followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
Fail 34 and below F4 Poor Your work shows little knowledge or understanding of the material covered in the module.
Your work is descriptive and shows no attempt to analyse ideas or arguments. Some of your work is irrelevant and it is not always logical or

Your work suggests that you have not understood the methods and tools covered in the module.
You work does not meet most of the Learning Outcomes for this module.
Your work has not followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.
