Around the world in eighty days

Around the world in eighty days
Around the world in eighty days
During the beginning of the 19th century, many literary works brought a great impact on the life of the people through their depiction of what was happening in the society at the time. One such work was the novel, ‘Around the world in eighty days’ by Jules Verne. The book depicts the events that were happening such as technological advancements and European civilization. This paper examines the how the novel portrayed critical events that happening in the 19th century Europe.
The novel narrates the story of Mr. Phileas Fogg, a rich British man who embarks on a journey to move around the world in eighty days after being promised to get a lot of money from the Reform Club (Verne, 3). Mr. Phileas together with his new butler, Mr. Jean Passepartourt faces a lot of tribulations on their way including being robbed at the bank and also being mistaken as criminals by Mr. Fix, the Scotland Yard detective. The novel, therefore, continues to narrate the critical events that were taking place as Mr. Fogg continued with his journey around the world. The book has extensively tackled the issue of technological advancement that was being witnessed at the time. It was during the industrial revolution.
Mr. Fogg realizes that a new railroad has been opened. Hence, one can be possible travel around the world in eighty days. Europe was experiencing technological advancement due to the discovery of the coal and steam powered locomotives.
The railroads opened the interior parts of the nation that were previously inaccessible. The advancement in technology also led to the building of manufacturing companies in different regions. The industries, therefore, offered employment opportunities to the people.
The novel was written when the European civilization was expanding. Mr. Fogg boards a steamboat from New York to France (Verne, 12). The technological expansion that was being experienced had made it possible for the building of steamboats that could cross from New York to the European nations. Fogg being rich and powerful, he is cable of bribing the crew so that they can sail to France in his route to moving around the world in eighty days. This shows how the influence of the European civilization was spreading fast to other nations. Some of the major reasons that enabled Europe to extend its influence were the availability of resources. Europe had skilled manpower that participated in the building of steam engines that could drive locomotives and steam boats.
According to the book, the places that Mr. Fogg passed on his journey, he could see how industrial revolution was expanding. Finished products that had been manufactured in European nations were being transported to other countries through railroad and steamboats. This also led to the circulation of skilled labor and therefore resulting in the creation of job opportunities in the most European nations.
This is because diversities such as gender lead to the acquisition of different ideas decisions and expertise that are vital for expansion of civilization. For example, in most media establishments, gender plays a critical role during recruitment. This is because both the male and female gender creates a blend that can deliver the content that the media audience needs. Moreover, communications skills of women are required in the media. Hence, there is a need to consider gender in such companies. Cultural diversity is also important for a company. The presence of people of different cultures will result in the presence of different skilled manpower for the company. The company can, therefore, use the various unique skills to improve its operations thus boost the economic growth of a country.

However, there are instances where diversity can hinder the economy. For instance, diversity can lead to poor decision making since every individual of different social beliefs or culture will advocate for its ideas to be implemented in the company thus causing confusion and hinder the growth of a county.
Diversity has a great impact on economic growth. The presence of diversity in a business organization can boost economic growth due to the availability of different skills and expertise as well as enhance innovation and productivity.
Through the story of Mr. Fogg, the readers can learn the nature of the European economy and how it was able to influence other nations. The country embraced diversity has the advantage of pooling unique skills from people of different cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender and different language. Through diversity and presence of skilled labor, Europe was able to me a dominant player in the market. The railroads were expanded as well as sea transport. This led to the expansion of areas that was experiencing underdevelopment due to the shortage of natural resources and skilled labor. Europe greatly influenced trading activities in the United States of America through the transpiration of finished products through railway and water.
In summary, the novel, ‘Around the world in 80 days’ clearly analyzes critical issues in Europe in the 19th Century. Various advancements such as technological and industrial advancements had brought a great impact leading to economic growth. The transport and communication networks in Europe had enabled the nations to undertake trade with other world nations such as the United States of America. Through industrial revolution, European nations influenced the activities of other countries.

Work cited

Verne, Jules. Around the world in 80 days. France. Pierre-Jules Hertzel. 1873. Print