animal rights

animal rights

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Guidelines for Research Paper.

6-7 pages, 12-point Times font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

4-5 sources to be used in your argument.

In this assignment, you will make an argument in support of a claim. Your argument must make use of four sources. You may agree or disagree with a source—either way, the source must contribute to your argument.

Your argument will be on a topic of your choice. A list of possible topics is on page 2 of these guidelines. Some of these topics have sources available in the Elements of Argument book, Part 6, as noted. You may use no more than two sources from the book: the rest must come from your own research.

Note that this paper should present an argument about a topic, taking a position rather than only offering a summary of information about it. You will be making claims of fact (what happened?), claims of value (what is good or bad?) and claims of policy (what should be done?), and supporting your ideas and points with documented research.


Create an outline by listing the questions and ideas you plan to explore in the paper, and the points you plan to make about each idea.
Write a first draft. Integrate into your draft the source material you have found in your research. Include MLA-style in-text citations for your sources, as in (Smith 15), for example. Review your draft and see how you can focus the argument. Anticipate questions from your audience in a counterargument-and-rebuttal strategy. Revise your draft to clarify and support your argument.
Proofread your draft for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice.
Create an annotated MLA-style Works Cited section, with 1-2 sentences summarizing each source’s main point. You can find MLA style instructions at the Virtual Reference Desk page on the Newbury site. Go to Newbury’s home page, then to Academics > Library > Virtual Reference Desk. You can also find MLA style instructions in Rules for Writers (see the blue-bordered pages) and Elements of Argument, Chapter 13. You can also use an online citation site such as
Print your paper in 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Include an original title.

Points to support thesis:
• Background history on fur/leather wear industry ( short background )
People wear fur and leather to follow fashion, and to look beautiful, stylish and fashionable.
• Reasons against people wearing fur or leather:
1. Animals cruelty, whether under trapping or farm raised.
2. Inhumane treatment of animals, as their furs is harvested.
3. Killing of animals for their hides (leather).
4. Lack of oversight on farm raised or trapping practice.
5. Reasons against people wearing fur or leather:
• Social and political issues around fur/leather
1. Campaign against fur

feel free to add information to any of these points

The classical argument

This way of thinking about arguments will be useful to you as you work on your next formal papers in the course. It’s also a good way to understand how ingredients in other people’s arguments are often planned out.

The classical argument format is based on methods of legal argument from ancient Greece, and has five parts: introduction, background, evidence, concession and refutation, and conclusion. (Note: you don’t have to follow a five-paragraph essay outline to write a classical argument.) Here are explanations of each part, with examples:

1. Introduction: This part of your argument grabs your audience’s attention (often with an attention-getting technique—a “hook”), and tells them your main point in your argument. You can call this main point your thesis or your claim.

Example: None of us wants to skid off the road while we’re driving. I want you to be safe, so I’m going to argue that you shouldn’t buy a Ford, because the brakes often fail.

2. Background: This part gives your audience the necessary background information they need to understand your claim and why it is important.

Example: Deciding what kind of car to buy takes a lot of Americans’ time. The average car purchase requires ten hours of research, because so many choices of car are available. I’m saving you some time by telling you about this important safety issue.

3. Evidence: In this part of your essay, you provide evidence to support your claim. This evidence can be statistics, support from articles or other essays, stories from your personal experience, and so on. The information you provide here helps convince your audience that your claim is true.

Examples: The September 2014 issue of Car and Driver magazine says that the brakes on Fords often fail.

Also, Monstercorp Insurance found that more drivers get in accidents in Fords than in Toyotas or Hondas.

(Note that your evidence or support can be presented to your audience by using one or more of the three appeals we have discussed: logos, or logic: pathos, or emotion; or ethos, where you convince your audience that you are a trustworthy source.)

4. Concession and refutation: This part of the argument reviews arguments that might be brought against your claim, and explains why you are sticking with your own argument. A concession is an agreement, and a refutation is a rejection. A concession and refutation can go like this: “While some people might disagree with me about my claim, for certain reasons that may have some merit, I still feel that my argument holds true.” Including this section in your argument shows that you have made an effort to understand the opposing point of view (a Rogerian technique), and have thought about the issue fairly.

Example: You might have heard that the Ford Fusion is a good option compared to the Toyota Camry and the Honda Accord. The Ford Fusion may indeed have a more stylish appearance, but the brakes don’t work as well as they do on the other cars.

5. Conclusion: Here you wrap up your argument by summarizing the ways in which your evidence has supported your claim. (This way, your conclusion goes beyond just repeating your main claim from the introduction.) You might include a question, a prediction, or an unexpected twist at the end to make your conclusion memorable for your audience.