Analysis of investment in an industrialized country

Using the same company Apple Inc. as used in my analysis on developed world as sent in the outline attached._x000D_
The student will continue with the company chosen in DBA 801 and evaluate the risk and possible returns of doing business in a chosen developing country. The analysis will include the evaluation of the cultural, political and economic factors affecting business, contrast the opportunities in the developing and developed countries, and conclude with specific recommendations (SLO 1, 2, 3, and 5). On 5/21/15 the paper outline due, 7-10 pages including the preliminary and References pages._x000D_
Rubric for Research paper on Analysis of investment in a developing country (100 points)._x000D_
Clarity of introduction to the paper                                                               5 points_x000D_
Clarity of country and company background                                                           10 points_x000D_
Discussion and analysis of cultural,                                                              15 points_x000D_
Political, and                                                                          15 points_x000D_
Economic factors affecting the company’s business 15 points_x000D_
Clarity of contents organized in headings and sub-headings                                     5 points_x000D_
Contrast the company’s doing business with developed countries               10 points_x000D_
Summary                                                                                                         5 points_x000D_
Conclusion & recommendation                                                                      10 point_x000D_
References                                                                                                      5 points_x000D_
Adherence to APA writing style                                                                    5 points_x000D_
Analysis of investment in an industrialized country_x000D_
-Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and online services._x000D_
Apple SWOT Analysis_x000D_
Strengths _x000D_
-Apple enjoys a number of strengths including high levels of customer loyalty and good brand reputation._x000D_
-Weaknesses include highly priced products, patents infringements, decline in gross margin, and decline in market share._x000D_
-Opportunities include entering more markets, investment in research and development, and increased cloud computing services._x000D_
-Apple threats include competition, rapid technological changes and change in management._x000D_
PEST Analysis _x000D_
Political Factors _x000D_
-Political factors affecting the company include political stability, tax policies, labor laws, trade restrictions, tariffs, and environmental laws._x000D_
Economic Factors_x000D_
-Economic factors affecting Apple in different countries include inflation rate, exchange rates, interest rates, and economic growth._x000D_
Social Factors _x000D_
-Social factors affecting the company include changes in consumer behavior and cultural differences._x000D_
Technological Factors _x000D_
-Apple has been dealing with rapid technological advancements._x000D_
Possible Return of Investing in Norway_x000D_
-Norway provides a perfect market for Apple’s expansion._x000D_
-The company will be able to enjoy increased customer base._x000D_
-Apple will also be exposed to more and more expansion opportunities._x000D_
-Apple can also capitalize technological knowhow to improve the quality of its products._x000D_
-Apple will be able to reduce its reliance on the US market to achieve success_x000D_
Risks _x000D_
-The company must deal with different business culture._x000D_
-Apple should anticipate high competition._x000D_
Specific Recommendations _x000D_
-Apple must embrace localization strategy_x000D_
-There is the need for Apple to invest even more in research and development_x000D_
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