Analysis of a Sustainable Technology

Analysis of a Sustainable Technology

Type of document           Essay

8 Pages

Subject area         Environmental Issues

Academic Level High School

Style      APA

Number of references  6

Order description:

Statement of Purpose

In this assignment, you will write a paper that describes a sustainable technology and its potential role in increasing sustainability in our social system.


  1. Select a sustainable technology that interests you. If you need inspiration, refer to the list of example topics included in the topic selectionassignment in Module 2.
  2. Craft a brief paper (between 2000 and 2500 words) that includes the following content:
    • Describe the technology, its use and how it functions. Use appropriate figures.
    • Describe the history of the technology – how and when it was invented?
    • Discuss the current market and status of the technology – how and where is it used? If new, who do you expect with use the technology?
    • Analyze how, where and by who the technology could be widely adopted. What are the hurdles preventing adoption? Suggest ways to overcome these hurdles from the fields of economics, policy, sociology, and marketing.
    • Analyze (quantitatively) the sustainable effects of the technology if widely adopted. For example, how much energy savings would there be if a certain number of people use the technology? What percent of current use is this, etc. Use appropriate figures.
  3. Submit your paper through this assignment drop box, which is enabled to use. If you need more information, refer to these instructions that explain

Final Paper Grading

The final paper will be graded on the following:


  • Within the range of 2000 to 2500 words? (15 points)
  • Double-spaced, Correct grammar and spelling (15 points)
  • At least 6 appropriate references formatted properly (20 points)


  • Technology description including figures (30 points)
  • History of the technology (20 points)
  • Marketplace for the technology (25 points)
  • Adoption hurdles and suggestions for overcoming hurdles (35 points)
  • Impact on sustainability (quantitative) including figures (40 points)