Accounting Topic Analysis Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

Paper details
Format should be a simple word document, identifying each question and related response. The document is not an essay
or report, but should be correctly referenced.
A cover sheet with student name and number should be provided on the first page, as well as in headers/footers throughout
the document.
Other Useful Hints:
I would prefer that you do not use direct quotes. If you do use them, please make sure that you reference and explain them
so that your understanding to the topic questions is clearly shown. When marking, I will seek to find how much you
understand for each of those topic questions!
In the file “Find Your Company” you will find the listed company you have been given for this course. This file will be made
available by 5.00pm Friday of Week 2. Complete this assignment for the company you have been given. Please be careful
to use the listed company you have been given. Your assignment will NOT be marked if you use a different company to the
one you have been given; and you will be asked to resubmit your assignment using the right company.
Go to the website of your company, by clicking on the URL next to your company in the list of companies in the file “Find
Your Company”.
Tip: If for some reason the URL for your company is no longer working, please Google your company to find its website.
Then go to the Investor Relations section of the website. This section may be called, “Investors”, “Shareholder Information”
or similar name.
Save a soft copy of the Annual Report for your firm for each of the last two years. For example, if your firm’s latest Annual
Report is for the year ended 30 June 2015, save your firm’s Annual Reports for 30 June 2015 and 30 June 2014.
Only save your firm’s Annual Reports. Do NOT save its interim or halfyearly
reports; also do not save its concise annual
reports. You can ignore these. Only save its full Annual Reports with its full financial reports. I also suggest you have a quick
browse through your firm’s website. This will give you some initial insights into your firm’s operations and activities.
If you have any difficulty finding your firm’s Annual Reports – or would like to check you have the right ones please
your lecturer or tutor for assistance
Within your firm’s Annual Reports, find its financial statements (Statement of Comprehensive income, Statement of
Changes in Equity, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Cash Flows.)
From your firm’s Statement of Financial Position, list each item of equity and write your understanding of each item. Make
sure you read carefully any footnotes for each item of equity and also look at your firm’s Statement of Changes in Equity.
Discuss in detail any changes in each item of equity for your firm over the past two years.
