Accommodations for special needs students.

Accommodations for special needs students.

Discipline: – Teacher’s Career

Type of service: Essay

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 1 page

Number of sources: 2 sources

Paper details:

Submit a draft of a single lesson plan with accommodations for special needs students.


Lesson Plan 1 Template
Content Area: Allied Health Careers
Lesson Title: Urinary System and Foley Care Timeframe: 10 hr
Lesson Components
21st Century Themes
  Global Awareness   Financial, Economic, Business,  and Entrepreneurial Literacy   Civic Literacy xx Health Literacy
9.3.12HL-Sup.5 implements healthcare facility standards in order to maintain high-quality healthcare facilities.

9.3.HL.3 Identify existing and potential hazards to clients, coworkers, visitors and self in the healthcare workplace.

9.3.HL.4 Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of individual members as part of the healthcare team and explain their role in promoting the delivery of quality health care.

9.3.HL.5 Analyze the legal and ethical responsibilities, limitations and implications of actions within the healthcare workplace (n.d., 2018).


  Creativity and Innovation x Critical Thinking and Problem Solving x Communication and Collaboration   Information Literacy
  Media Literacy   ICT Literacy x Life and Career Skills
Interdisciplinary Connections: Healthcare skills Foley Catheter (Mosby, 2017)
Integration of Technology: Power-power point. Video clip. Computers, music devices.
Equipment needed: Foley catheter bag, colostomy equipment, statue to demonstrate appearances of different stomas, Books, pens, journals, poster board, markers, gloved, cylinder, basin and clinical work satiation


Goals/Objectives Learning Activities/Instructional Strategies Formative Assessment Tasks

·         Describe urinary incontinence and care required.

·      Describe urinary incontinence and the care.


·         Perform Foley care



Lesson Sequence

1. Activator- using journals to review previous knowledge from previous class that is understood, what they want to know and how it is related to content to be taught.

2. Student- Analyze activators in groups of two and create questions for want they want to learn from today’s lecture.

3. Teacher- lectures on urinary incontinence and when catheters are needed.

4. Students-I share, you share with Foley catheter understanding.

5.Teacher demonstrate Foley catheter care as outlined by the N.J.DON (n.d., 2018)

6. Students- Demonstrate Foley care as outlined by the DON.

7. Students will discuss and analyze what makes you say that with topics related to Foley care- time?

8. Teacher will evaluate students understanding of topic during activity.


·         Analyze journal entries and understanding.


·         Assess understanding while student share, I share, you share demonstration


·         Use of skills check list from N.J. DON (n.d., 2008).


·         Analyze responses on exit ticket.







Accommodation for students with IEP and those that find alternative routes of learning better. My class offers many different types of accommodations for successful learning.  I find posting my lesson plan daily helps students know what to expect, I have student write the objective daily. Different projects/quiz/test are optional to test knowledge and available for all students and those with IEP. Extended test time is offered as needed. Flexible work spaces include areas for quiet individual work, small and large group work, and group instruction. If students need to tune out noise, they can choose to wear earbuds during independent work. I offer regular feedback daily, and students are encouraged to reflect on the choices they made in class and set new goals as needed. Digital and audio text materials are accessible for all students. Students have different options for reading, including print, digital, Talk to text, text-to-speech, audio books, and videos with captions are available.  My lessons incorporate Scaffold learning style to support all students and those with IEP (Rutherford, 2015).


Resources Provided:  Rutherford, P. (2008). Instruction for all students. Just Ask Publications.

·         Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009). The first days of school: how to be an effective teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.

·          Mosby 39 S Textbook for Nursing Assistants 7th Edition PDF … (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2018, from

·         NJ Department of Health. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2018, from

·         Health Science Career Cluster (HL) – (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2018, from