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Click on œAvoiding Plagiarism
Click on œTutorial: Avoiding Plagiarism
Read and study the material on Taking Notes. You may want to print the teaching material so you can annotate it and refer to it as you answer the questions in the exercises.
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Click on œTutorial: Taking Notes
Go back to œTaking Notes and complete the following three exercises: (You will need to register with an email address before exercises become available.)
Click on œExercise: Recognizing Summaries
Click on œExercise: Recognizing Paraphrases
Click on œExercise: Recognizing Integrated Quotations
After you finish reading the tutorial and answering the questions in all three exercises, write the following to demonstrate your understanding of what you learned in the tutorial. The tutorial is preparation for the assignment below, so there is no need for you to submit the results from the exercises.
Write 250 “ 500 words on how to effectively use summaries (5 points), paraphrases (5 points), and quotations (5 points) from sources to support ideas in your essays. In your paragraphs, include a definition (in your own words) of a summary, a paraphrase, and an integrated quotation. Write your paper in Microsoft Word and format according to APA standards.