A content analysis of banking web sites in Australia – (review � no survey needed)

Topic: � A content analysis of banking web sites in Australia – (review � no survey needed)
5: Assessment
5a Assessment overview
Assessment item (including exams held in the exam period) Due date of assignments Weighting
Addresses learning outcome(s) Addresses generic skill(s)
(2 – 4 pages) OPTIONAL
The proposal is group optional Week 4 Friday 7 September by 11pm 10% • Identify research problem(s) and develop research question(s)
• Develop a research proposal addressing the research question(s) and research problem and recommend appropriate research methodology. Communication Skills; Analytical Skills; Problem Solving Skills; Professional Skills and Leadership Capacity
Final Report Assignment due week 13 (Friday 9 November) to box 13 on level B, with a copy to be emailed to with the subject line: MRP Copy 90% (if proposal submitted) or 100% if proposal not submitted • Identify research problem(s) and develop research question(s)
• Develop a research proposal addressing the research question(s) and research problem and recommend appropriate research methodology.
• Frame, develop and test research hypotheses
• Design, administer and implement questionnaires.
Communication Skills; Analytical Skills; Problem Solving Skills; Professional Skills and Leadership Capacity
5b Details of each assessment item
Assignments are INDIVIDUAL.
Choice of Project: A few options are provided below, however you are welcome to come up with your own project if you prefer.
We are interested in having research done for the Faculty of Business, Government & Law. Could include one of the following:
• Research of current students
• Research of overseas potential students
• Research of local potential students
• Focus groups, interviews, surveys of any of the above
• Content analysis (web site review) of business / Government/ Law schools in Australia
Other options include:
• Canberra Croquet Club
• A review of social media sites which work well – best practice
• Survey / interviews of social media users – what works and why?
• A content analysis of banking web sites in Australia – (review – questionnaire)
• A review of tourism web sites – no survey needed, a review and / or interviews would work
• Consumer Banking Behaviour – online, mobile etc. – Focus groups, interview or survey


The proposal is a brief document (approx 2-4 pages) detailing:
* Major research problem
* broad research themes/ questions
* Brief statement of methodology
* sample, if applicable
* method of analysis (e.g. SPSS, Excel etc)
* Time plan

Major Assignment

This assignment will be based around the proposal topic or your project topic – see above for a list of potential topics. Most research reports include the following elements:

• Title Page (including disclaimer statement about how clients shouldn’t hold the writer accountable, they are just recommendations)
• Letter of Transmittal
• Executive Summary
• Table of Contents
• List of Tables/Graphs/Exhibits and Appendices
• Introduction
• Problem Definition
• Development of a research question / Background to the problem
• Methodology
• Data Analysis
• Results and discussion
• Limitations and future research
• Conclusions and recommendations
• Exhibits
• Reference List
• Appendices (must include)
o Copies of correspondence to and from client (if applicable)
o Data collection forms (eg: approved surveys)
o Tables/raw data
o Detailed calculations (if used)
o Details of secondary research
o Any relevant literature/information you feel may be relevant

Word limit to not exceed 5,000 (excluding appendix). Three copies of the report will need to be produced. One is to be handed to your client (if applicable) and two handed in to the lecturer for marking (one needs only to be a photocopy and stapled – it will be kept for record purposes).

Assignment due week 13 (Friday 11 November)