The Colonies and the British Empire

The Colonies and the British Empire

Paper instructions:
This week we explore the development of the British North American colonies and their place in the growing British Empire. Answer one question as completely as possible, citing names,

events, ideas, and other historical issues.  Support all answers with citations and references.



Citations and bibliographic references should be in the University of Chicago/Turabian style. For works in history, foot-notes or end-notes are required. (Avoid social science parenthetical

citations). When in doubt, cite your sources of information.  Work to write clear and flowing essays with smooth transitions from point to point.  The instructor encourages the use of outside

sources but does not require it.

Please answer or discuss ONE or more of the following:

1.    What role did families play in New England and the Chesapeake areas?  How did they affect stability, the role of women, and hierarchy, or other areas?  Explain.

2.    Discuss the origins of slavery in the colonial world.  How did African slave trade, the institution of slavery, and the development of the plantation economy affect the participants,

unwilling and willing?  Explain.

3.    What is mercantilism?  What was the relationship between the colonies and Britain?  How does mercantilism important to the colonies and colonial development?

4.    What events, ideas, or trends contributed to rebellion and upheaval in the colonies?  Did events in England influence such upheaval?  Explain.  Did the social and political crises have other

effects?  (Hint:  Think New England).



5.  What is the Anglo-American identity?  How was it constructed in the 18th century?  How did mercantilism and the creation of a consumer society affect this identity?

6.  In many ways, American history is about the diversity of peoples who settled the country (diversity in origin, religion, ideas, and motivations for settlement).  How is that true in the 18th

century?  How do these groups impact the British colonies?  Explain.

7.  What are the Spanish borderlands and what was their experience during this century?  What peoples are involved in this region?  Why will this be important for subsequent U.S. history?

8.  What is the Enlightenment and what was its impact in the North American colonies?  What individuals are involved in it (in America)?  What is the Great Awakening?  Who is involved in this and

how did it impact colonial life?

9.  What role did the British North American colonies have in the imperial struggle for power from 1689 to 1763?  What nations were involved?  What were the conflicts in question and how did

these affect the British colonies?  Explain.

10.  After answering one of the above, are there any questions or issues you think need to be addressed.  Please post for your colleagues to consider and discuss.
