EVALUATION RUBRIC Financial Analysis of Google Principles of Financial Management

Financial Analysis of Google
Principles of Financial Management

Category Unacceptable=0-6 Fair = 6-8 Proficient = 8-9 Exemplary =9-10
Introduction (1-2 pages)
Company background and current position Does not demonstrate a sufficient level of understanding of the company’s background and current position. Has no history or includes too much irrelevant history. Inclusion and excellent discussion of all basic information such as ticker symbol, exchange listing, market value, etc. Very brief relevant history included.
Products and customers Does not demonstrate a sufficient level of understanding of the firm’s products and customers. Quality discussion of major products, markets, customer groups, and lines of business. Discussion relates to topic. Should know what is being sold; where it is being sold, and who is buying it.
Competitive Environment Does not demonstrate a sufficient level of understanding of the firm’s position in the industry and its competitors. Clearly describes the company’s industry, industry trends, key competitors, industry leaders, and relates company to its place in the industry.
Financial Position (4-6 pages)

Discussion of Financial Statements – Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and possibly Statement of Cash Flows Does not demonstrate an appropriate level of understanding of the firm’s financial position. Demonstrates minimally acceptable understanding of financial statements. Some errors in understanding are evident. Good, accurate discussion of financial statements. Adds positive understanding beyond just stating numbers. Thorough, well organized discussion of financial key financial figures relevant to the particular company. May include sales, same store sales, net income, earnings per share, dividends, and growth in these items.
Ratio comparisons to past performance and industry Does not demonstrate a minimal level of understanding regarding ratios and comparisons. Serious issues may be present.. Ratio trends are discussed, but only a rudimentary understanding is exhibited. Ratio discussion is generally complete and discussion exhibits competent understanding. Complete, accurate discussion of ratios including historical trends and industry comparisons. All key factors identified and significance properly explained.
Reviews Appropriate Financial Ratios Missing multiple important ratios or may focus on unimportant issues. Includes basic financial ratios, but missing some key items. Identifies most of the important ratios and accurately describes their significance. Key ratios relevant to the industry and company are examined and properly explained. Demonstrates thorough understanding of concepts.
Reasons for differences Does not adequately point out or discuss significant changes in financial figures or ratios. Does not add meaningful insights. Points out some significant changes and offers weak explanations for occurrences. Points out most of the significant financial events and offers some reasonable explanations. Correctly identifies significant changes in key financial values and offers, thoughtful, fact-based explanations for them.
Market Value Ratios Discussion of market value ratios such as PE or Price-Sales ratios fails to demonstrate basic understanding of concepts. Discussion contains some notable gaps in understanding. Market value ratios are included and accurately explained. Significance not fully considered. Appropriate market value ratios are discussed and related to the industry and market. Significance of ratios is accurately explained.
DuPont Analysis DuPont analysis has significant numerical errors and /or discussion fails to demonstrate basic level of DuPont analysis is numerically accurate, but discussion Complete, accurate discussion of factors contributing to changes in net profit margin and changes


understanding. demonstrates noticeable of understanding. over time.
Risk of Stock and Bonds Discussion exhibits a significant gap in understanding of risk concepts. Market risk (beta) and bond ratings included, but discussion indicates some lack of theoretical understanding. Market risk (beta) and bond ratings included. Theoretical understanding evident.
Cost of Capital Cost of capital calculation does not appear to be reasonable and / or discussion demonstrates a significant gap in understanding. Has a reasonable estimate of the cost of capital, but there are some concerns with assumptions made or apparent understanding. Has a reasonable estimate of the cost of capital. Assumptions clearly described. Only minimal questions regarding understanding or assumptions. Has a solidly supported, accurately calculated estimate of the cost of capital. Assumptions clearly stated and reasonable. Narrative elicits complete confidence in understanding of issues.
Overall Evaluation Does not take a position on the company’s overall financial position or position does not demonstrate a minimal level of understanding. Takes a position on the company’s overall financial position but it is not well supported by the analysis. Position consistent with analysis, strengths and weaknesses identified, and some suggestions for improvement presented. Position consistent with analysis, strengths and weaknesses identified and related to future performance, thoughtful recommendations for improvement supported by analysis.
Inclusion of Graphs, Tables, and Key Data There are no graphs or tables included or there are significant areas where graphs and tables should be used to aid the reader, and they are not included. The paper includes graphs and tables that meaningfully enhance the reader’s experience. Excerpts of financial statements included where helpful. The reader does not have a desire to hunt down supporting information while reading the paper.
Writing Evaluation
Writing proficiency – Punctuation, grammar & spelling Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure which severely interfere with the communication of content. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar (Subject/verb agreements and tense), sentence structure (run-on and fragments), and/or other writing conventions distract the reader and interfere with the communication of content. While there may be minor errors, the paper follows normal conventions of spelling and grammar throughout and shows evidence of careful proofreading. Appropriate conventions for style and format are used consistently throughout the writing sample. The writing is essentially error free in terms of mechanics.
Writing Proficiency – Clarity & Coherence Sentence structure, word choice, lack of transitions and/or sequencing of ideas make reading and understanding difficult. Decisions about focus, organization and style interfere with communication and prevent achieving the purpose of the writing. Sentence structure and/or word choice sometimes interfere with clarity. Needs improvement in sequencing of ideas within paragraphs and transitions between paragraphs. Decisions about focus, organization, and style sometimes interfere with clear, effective communications. The purpose of the writing is not fully achieved. Sentences are structured and words are chosen to communicate ideas clearly. Sequencing of ideas within paragraphs and transitions between paragraphs make the writer’s points easy to follow. Decisions about focus, organization, and style foster clear and effective communication. Writing flows smoothly from one idea to another. The writer takes care of assist the reader in following the logic of ideas expressed. Decisions about focus, organization, and style foster a pleasurable communication experience for the reader. Writing could be used as a model for how to fulfill the assignment.
Writing Proficiency – Citations and Referencing Fails to demonstrate thoroughness and competence in documentation. Some sources may be unverifiable. Source documentation is incomplete. It may be unclear which references are direct quotes and which are paraphrased.


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