War and Diplomacy


Please choose and answer two (2) questions out of the three (3) questions below. Evaluation is based on criteria (1-4). Please do not exceed four (4) pages, 1.5-spaced, Times New Roman font size 10.

This is a take-home exam. It is open books and references will be properly quoted in footnotes: Last Name, First Name, Title, Editor, Place, Year. Please structure your responses and quote according to the Academic standards.

Evaluation criteria

1. Choice of plan/structure, methodology; clear thesis statement, useful introduction.
2. Use of Academic reference and examples/illustration; proper use of footnotes (quotation).
3. Evaluation and conclusion.
4. Style, grammar, syntax, presentation, reader-friendliness.


Section 1: Strategy
1. Is war (still?) the continuation of politics with other means?

Section 2: Information
2. What is open source information? Give examples of the use of OSINF.

Section 3: Defense Industry
3. Write a 1-page summary on the status of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program for the Dutch Defense Minister, with your recommendation for an official governmental position.v