Annotations and evaluation of information sources using the CRAAP test


Part 2: Annotations and evaluation of information sources using the CRAAP test


Pro-fracking example article

Con-fracking example article

EPA Report Gives Pro-fracking Camp a Win by Meg Handley

Add Quakes to Rumbles over Gas Rush by Henry Fountain


–        ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: each member of the group is required to submit an annotated bibliography with two sources – one must be in favor of fracking and one must be against fracking. These references must be unique amongst group members; no two group members can submit the same article. As part of the annotation, rate the source using the CRAAP test; rate each source on a scale of 1-5 (1=least credible and 5=most credible).

  • An annotated bibliography is a document that gives the citation for a reference followed by a short paragraph summarizing the reference and giving commentary.
  • All annotated bibliographies will be submitted as a wikis document on your group page (BbLearn). This way all of your group members can read each bibliography. One wiki per group, make sure that you clearly include your name with your annotations