Comparative essay on three texts

Comparative essay on three texts

require a comparative essay on the texts Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, Watchmen by Allen Moore and Howl and another poem by Allen Ginsberg.
The essay must compare the three texts around the quote there are two ways to dehumanize someone: by dismissing them, and by idolizing them. focusing on dismissal and idolisation in the three texts and other forms of dehumanisation that can be compared across the three texts. This must include critics such as Nietzsche or any legitimate sources that have point preferably not seen anywhere else before.

The copy I am submitting has to be rewritten to by in terms of that qoute about dissmissal and dehumanisation. Please add additional opinions and points that would improve the essay along with the current content.

As you can see, it needs to also be cut down by quite a lot. It needs to be 2000 words.