Based on our course readings and discussions, how would you define globalization

Write THREE short essays (500-600 words EACH per question/essay response)
responding to three of the following questions. Your essays will be assessed according
to accuracy, specificity, conciseness, clarity, demonstration of ability to synthesize course
concepts, and adherence to requirements.
Essay responses must cite at least two specific examples from assigned readings, films,


lectures, and/or discussions. This means that you may use the readings and your notes to
complete the take-home portion of the exam. Keep any direct quotations to a minimum
(use individual words or short phrases), and cite the source. Quoted material must not
exceed ten percent of your total word count. Include a total word count at the end of your
essay. You may follow any format (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) as long as you are
consistent throughout your document. Proofread your writing.
Please submit a hard copy of your final exam to 208 Bowne Hall by Friday, May 2nd at
4 PM. Late submissions are not permitted for this assignment.
1. Based on our course readings and discussions, how would you define
globalization? In what ways does globalization depend on gendered and
feminized forms of labor? Why is it important that we analyze globalization and
its effects through a gendered lens?


2. Throughout this course, we have discussed how various discourses and systems of
power construct binaries between the West and other parts of the world. First,
describe these discourses and how they operate. Second, explain why an
understanding of these discourses is important for transnational feminist studies.
3. What are the racial and gendered meanings assigned brown bodies in the War on
Terror? How are these bodies understood and represented in Hollywood films?
And what does this tell us about how transnational racism operates locally and
4. What is the nation-state? How do nation-states construct the roles of women and
gender and sexual minorities? And how do transnational feminists view or
understand the nation-state?
5. What are examples of gendered tropes used to justify and naturalize war? How do
contemporary U.S. wars construct men and women from other national, racial,
religious, and contexts? What are some of the justifications that are given for war?
And how might a transnational feminist analysis challenge such justifications?
6. According to Lila Abu-Lughod, what are the seductions of the honor crime?
And what are the various dangers of this category for transnational feminists
committed to confronting gender-based forms of violence at local and global


7. What is intersectionality? How does Kimberlé Crenshaw describe it? Why does
this form of analysis matter to transnational feminism? And how might it help us
theorize, understand, and confront forms of race, gender, and class domination
inside and outside the U.S.?
8. What is the relationship between gender and revolution? And what roles do
women play in mass uprisings such as the Arab revolutions? Are women’s
interventions in such political processes feminist? Or must they be understood
through a different framework or outlook? If so, how?
9. What is transnational feminism? What are some of the challenges that
transnational feminists face? And how might transnational feminists engage
issues of injustice across the globe while attending to asymmetries of power
between first world and third world contexts?
