Pearson correlation computations in Microsoft Excel


  Pearson correlation computations in Microsoft Excel






Must be familiar with Pearson correlation computations in Microsoft Excel and assignment needs to be submitted by 6:00pm est


Assignment 2: RA 2: Employee Satisfaction and Sick Days Taken: Pearson Correlation Report


 You will justify the results in a 10- to 12-page report following the directions below.


Background Scenario:


Company ABC has hired you to conduct an employee satisfaction survey. You have conducted the survey and received the satisfaction scores of twenty participants. Assume the survey and the sick days are being measured over a one-year time frame.


Click here to view the data.




Using the data sets provided, conduct a Pearson correlation (in Microsoft Excel). In a 10- to 12-page report to company ABC,



  • Include an executive summary explaining your findings.
  • _x000D_

  •  Discuss the validity and reliability of a Pearson correlation.
  • _x000D_

  • Determine what other variables may have impacted this relationship and the scores of the employee satisfaction survey.
  • _x000D_

  • Justify what research, if any, supports your findings on satisfaction and sick days.
  • _x000D_

  • Include a copy of your Pearson correlation computations in Microsoft Excel.
  • _x000D_


Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document of approximately 10 to 12 pages. Utilize four to five scholarly sources in your research.demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
