Leading a Multicultural Team through a Change Process

Research Assignment_x000D_
Leading a Multicultural Team through a Change Process_x000D_
Darius and Harpreet joined the team three months ago. The rest of the team has been together for three years._x000D_
The new product is due to be delivered for beta testing six months from today. Today, your first day on the job, you have spent the entire day talking to each team member separately. Here is what you have discovered so far today:_x000D_
Issue #1: Darius and Tom have been in conflict for several weeks over how to approach the design of a critical piece of the product._x000D_
Issue #2: John and Julie are so disillusioned that they are job hunting, but each has unique skills that you do not wish to lose._x000D_
Issue #3: Jinsoo tends to isolate himself when there is conflict, which decreases his productivity._x000D_
Issue #4: Tom believes that the rest of the team is cutting him out of the picture because of his age and lack of interest in using Google to create workspaces where everyone can brainstorm. Tom would rather just talk about his ideas._x000D_
You were also briefed by the general manager, who shared that the former leader had been fired due to unethical practices such as taking bribes from vendors. However, the team members didn’t know that and really liked the former leader; they are angry that he is gone._x000D_
Overview of assignment:_x000D_
Using your new knowledge of multicultural teams and communication, the change process, decision making, and ethics, write an action plan to get this team back on track. This paper should be supported by your readings and must provide specific steps based on this knowledge. Cite sources, etc. Remember–whenever you write a paper in a course, your task is to show that you understand the material you are learning, that you can apply it to specific situations, and that you can think critically and creatively in new situations._x000D_
Introduction: Address the issues of leadership in today’s world with regards to managing change when working with diverse teams. (3-4 paragraphs)_x000D_
Rationale for Decision Making:_x000D_
Research a rationale for decision making. Write about the decision making plan and rationale for the creation of your Action Plans. Be sure to use specific terms and descriptions of decision making per your readings and information covered in this class. (1-1.5 pages)_x000D_
Action Plan (Issue 1-4: each listed separately)_x000D_
Write an Action Plan for each of the four issues presented in this scenario. In each scenario, identify the root of the issue and address how you would resolve the issue. Remember to use information that you have learned in this class to resolve the issue. Each should be labeled: Action Plan: Issue # ____. (Each response should be about 1 -1.5 pages). Hint: The Rationale for Decision Making serves as the foundation to the Action Plans. Remember that Action Plans include detailed steps on how to handle situations (in addition to narrative explanations)._x000D_
Please do not re-explain the scenario or points; assume the audience has also read the case and knows the details._x000D_
Conclusion: Ensure that you address the issues of communication and leadership. Summarize how the leadership used in your approach effectively addresses the issues in this scenario.(3-4 paragraphs)_x000D_
Paper length: 8-9 pages (not including cover page and reference page)._x000D_
References: at least 4 sources must be used (two of which must be scholarly sources from the UMUC database)._x000D_
Introduction (10 points)_x000D_
Rationale for Decision Making (15 points)_x000D_
Action Plan (Issue 1): 15 points_x000D_
Action Plan (Issue 2): 15 points_x000D_
Action Plan (Issue 3): 15 points_x000D_
Action Plan (Issue 4): 15 points_x000D_
Conclusion (5 points)_x000D_
Grammar (5 points)_x000D_
References (5 points)_x000D_
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