Family Representations on Television


Sociologists learn much of what they know about families from observations, survey research and qualitative interviews.  For this paper, you will have the opportunity to engage in some of the methods that sociologist use to gather informationin this case interviews or content analysis.  You will be able to get a glimpse into how families and family life are depicted or interpreted by different people and how it relates back to what?



Select one of the three options below to complete.  Follow the guidelines and complete all requirements for the option.  


Option 1  Family Representations on Television

Watch six television programs that feature families. Three of these programs must be from before 1965 and three of them must be from after 1995. In your paper, you must do the following:


Briefly describe the family structures depicted in each show.  


Compare and contrast the families in the earlier and later programs. 


What are the gender roles in the families depicted?  How do they compare to what you have learned in class?  Be sure to use example from the episodes that you viewed.


What are the childrearing practices like?  Who does what?  Give examples from the episodes you watched


Make connections to the course material.  You need to discuss trends, theories, and concepts that you have learned about and how they relate to what was depicted in the programs you viewed.


Finally, based on what you have learned so far in this course, discuss whether the earlier programs or the later programs are more realistic in portraying family life. Why do you believe this is true? Keep in mind that family structures and the roles of family members may have changed greatly between 1965 and 1995. 


Option 2  Relationship Resolution

 Interview all of the following: 


A couple that has cohabitated for less than two years


A married couple who cohabitated before marriage


A couple who married before living together (never cohabited) 

If possible, interview the partners separately. Ask the couples about what they think the components of a successful relationship are. What do they do to make their relationships work? How often do they have disagreements? What are the disagreements about? How are problems solved? How is domestic work divided up in the household (gender roles)? Feel free to ask any other questions that interest you. After you have completed the interviews, compare the couples™ answers in your paper.  Make connections to the course material.  You need to discuss trends, theories, and concepts that you have learned about and how they relate to what was expressed in your interviews.

Option 3  Grandparent Interview

Interview both of your grandparents and both of your parents.  If you do not have access to your grandparents, you may interview someone who is of the same age of your grandparents (preferably age 65 or above).  If possible, interview each of them separately. Ask your participants about how they think things have changed in family expectations since they were young and started a family. Also ask them about what gender roles their parents performed growing up, what they did when raising a family, and how that compares to their children. In your paper, you should compare and contrast the roles and expectations of each generation and then compare them to the gender role expectations of your generation and in your family.  You will also need to make connections to the course material by discussing trends, theories, and concepts that you have learned about and how they relate to what was expressed in your interviews.

Outside Sources

Though you should be making connections to the course material in your paper, outside sources are not required.  If you choose to bring in outside sources to support your argument (in the way of statistics, research findings, or other empirical evidence), be sure to use proper citation using either the ASA or the APA style guides.  If you are unsure how to do this, see me or refer to the Online Writing Lab at Perdue (
).  The website has numerous resources for citing sources and using proper writing mechanics.


Papers should be approximately 6-7 pages in length.  Use 12pt Times New Roman font with 1 margins all around.  Papers should be double spaced.  Be sure to proofread; papers with excessive spelling and grammatical errors will be docked points.  I suggest having a friend read over it for you or reading it out loud to yourself.  There are also writing centers on campus that can help you if you are having trouble composing your paper. 


Grading your Assignment 

To receive full credit on Option 1, you must address the following issues: 


Note the television programs you discuss and identify when each was made; 


Describe the portrayal of gender roles in each program; 


Describe the treatment of children in each program; 


Discuss how accurate the earlier shows are in their portrayal of family life in the 1950s and early 1960s; 


Discuss how accurate the later shows are in their portrayal of family life in recent years;  6.

Relate your findings to course material while discussing the accuracy of the programs; 


Use proper citations, references, and grammar. 

To receive full credit on Option 2, you must address the following issues: 


Provide basic information and demographics about your participants; 


Describe your results and analyze similarities and differences based on length of relationship; 


Address any gender differences in how they report addressing conflict or how they divide their labor.


Compare your results to material presented in the textbook or lecture 


Use proper citations, references, and grammar. 

To receive full credit on Option 3, you must address the following issues: 


Provide basic information and demographics about your participants; 


Describe your results and analyze similarities and differences based on each respondent™s generational membership; 


Fully discuss the gender roles they highlighted.


Discuss different views of family and family change that they have.


Compare your results to material presented in the textbook or lecture 


Use proper citations, references, and grammar. 
