Statistics and business research methods

The FINAL research proposal will consist of the following NINE (9) items:_x000D_
1. A business research topic._x000D_
2. A brief literature review of the research topic_x000D_
Produce 2 to 3 pages on background information on your research topic._x000D_
3. Research questions for the identified problem or opportunity_x000D_
4. Appropriate research methodologies and techniques to use for the research project_x000D_
5. A project plan using a Gantt Chart and clearly defined milestones (if in a group with clearly defined individual tasks, contributions and milestones)_x000D_
Use Microsoft Project or other software to produce the Gantt Chart._x000D_
6. Description of the research process_x000D_
7. Description of data collection and analysis methods_x000D_
8. Description of expected research outcomes_x000D_
9. A completed Ethics Checklist._x000D_
Complete and sign ethics checklist below and attach with FINAL research project proposal._x000D_
All students will need to pass the final research proposal submitted in week 12 to be able to start the capstone research proposal in HI6008 the following semester._x000D_
Submit hard copy of FINAL research report to Holmes by 4pm on Thursday 13/10/2016._x000D_
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