Principal Function

Before answering this discussion question you will need to conduct a review_x000D_
of the Walmart Stores, Inc. Case on pages 487-501″ See Attachment” of the_x000D_
course textbook and any additional resources necessary to conduct an_x000D_
industry analysis on retail sales industry._x000D_
Before writing your response, using the Case study and knowledge you have_x000D_
about the Walmart, complete their industry analysis._x000D_
.Identifying the principal resources and capabilities_x000D_
.Assessing their strategic importance in terms of the two major determinants_x000D_
of imitability: transferability and replicability_x000D_
.Assessing the strength of the company in these resources and capabilities_x000D_
relative to competitors_x000D_
.Linking the resource analysis to the strategy being pursued_x000D_
.Assessing the sustainability of the firm’s competitive advantage_x000D_
Once you have conducted your analysis provide your research and also answer_x000D_
the following questions:_x000D_
.Which should be the primary basis for formulating strategy: the external_x000D_
market (customer requirements in particular) or the firm’s resources and_x000D_
capabilities. Please explain._x000D_
.In which market segments, are Walmart’s capabilities and strengths likely_x000D_
to be most effective? What are the implications for how the firm should_x000D_
.Term paper should 500 words NO PLAGIARISM_x000D_
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