Opportunity Costs

In this Session Long Project, you will follow one firm of your choice for the entire session. You will analyze how this firm makes economic decisions as well as how events in the economy affect the firm. Please choose ONE Fortune 500 firm from the following list (feel free to use ANY firm, it does not have to be in the top 10):_x000D_
Fortune 500_x000D_
** My Choice is Walmart**_x000D_
After choosing one firm, address the following questions in a 3- to 4-page essay:_x000D_
1.What is the organization you are going to use? Why do you think it will be an interesting focus for your economic analysis?_x000D_
2.What are positive and normative statements? Describe the difference between these two types of statements in your own words. Write at least ONE positive and ONE normative statement about your firm._x000D_
3.Find any current event/article regarding your firm from an online resource (nytimes.com, online.wsj.com, etc). Be sure to reference this article in your paper. Summarize the issue and how it relates to at least ONE of this module’s economic concepts (opportunity cost, scarcity, factors of production, diminishing returns, spillover principle, etc.)_x000D_
SLP Assignment Expectations_x000D_
Use concepts from the modular background readings, as well as any good-quality resources you find from the Trident online library or other Internet search engines. Be sure to cite all sources within the text and provide a reference list at the end of the paper._x000D_
Length: 3-4 pages, double-spaced and typed._x000D_
The following items will be assessed:_x000D_
Your ability to perform an economic analysis of a firm of your own choice._x000D_
Some in-text references to the modular background materials (APA formatting not required)._x000D_
The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references._x000D_
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