? Reflection Paper
You are expected to turn in a total of a 4-page reflection paper on November 17. The reflection paper should cover 3 readings of your choice
pertaining to immigration, language planning and policy, as well as environmental sustainability between September 3 and November 12. In this
reflection assignment, you will examine your positionality as a citizen of the world with respect to global migration and world languages.
The paper
should be approximately 820 words (3 pages long). Your grade will be determined by your comprehension, interpretation, insight, and critical
examination of cross-cultural interactions of people in different geographical locations and your positionality of a citizen of the world, and not a
summary of the readings. You can draw from your life experiences, your own research, family values, and class discussions to elucidate your
understanding of the readings in the reflection process.
How does viewing yourself first and foremost as a citizen of the world changes your perception of people of the world with respect to race,
ethnicity, language, and culture?
Wright, E. W. (2010). Foundations for teaching English language learners: Research, theory, Policy, and practice. Caslon Publishing.
Herrell, A. L. & Jordan, M. (2012). 50 Strategies for teaching English Language Learners. Indianapolis, IN: Pearson.
Delpit, L. & Dowdy, J.K. (2008). The skin that we speak: Thoughts on language and culture in the classroom. New Press.
Dates Reading Assignments Class activities & due dates
Sept 3 Second language learning and Pedagogy
Wright, E. (2010). Foundations for teaching English¦ chap 2
50 strategies¦: Chap 1. Printable routines and signals (segment 2 of the DVD)
colonialism and linguistic dilemmas in Africa:
Cameroon as a paradigm
Sept 5 50 strategies¦: Chap 3 Visual Scaffolding (segment 3 of the DVD)
50 strategies¦: Chap 6 Cooperative Learning¦ (segment 8of the DVD)
Sept 8 Issues of language, literacy, and power and policy for ELLs
Wright, E. (2010). Foundations for teaching English¦ chap 3 Video: The story of human language
Sept 10 Ensure environmental sustainability
50 strategies¦: Chap 5 Learning Centers¦
Sept 12 Wright, E. (2010). Foundations for teaching English¦ chap 4
Do not worry about the links under this sentence because I couldn’t delete it.
Changes on the syllabus
The content of the syllabus may be revised when need arises.
Useful Online Resources
http://ourworld. compuserve.com/homepaaes/iwcrawford
This site has links to about every major organization dealing with language minority issues.
http://www.m-w.com/ An English dictionary.
http://www.ncela.awu.edu/ This is the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education (NCBE) website. NCBE is at George Washington University,
Washington DC. It contains a large amount of research and applied information regarding teaching language minority students.
http://www.cal.org/ This is the Center for Applied Linguistics is an outstanding œthink tank that operates the ERIC on Languages and Linguistics,
and other important information for ESL and regular classroom teachers who have ELLs in their classrooms.
http://www.tesol.ora/. This is the teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages website. It has important information for teachers.
Standards and info about Indiana and ESL related matters.
http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oela/index.html?src=mr. The Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic
Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (OELA)
http://www.crede.ucsc.edu/ The Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence
http://www.ovguide.com/american-tongues-9202a8c04000641f80000000093fa5fe American tongues
ETS Official Website for the TOEFL “ http://www.ets.org/
TOEFL iBT Course “ http://www.toeflibtcourse.com/
TOEFL iBT at a Glance “ An overview of TOEFL iBT “
TOEFL iBT Tips “ Created to help English-language learners understand TOEFL iBT and
prepare for it. “ http://www.ets.org/Media/Tests/TOEFL/pdf/TOEFL_Tips.pdf
Also available at http://upload.mcgill.ca/applying/TOEFL_Tips.pdf and
Scoring Guides (Rubrics) for the Speaking Responses “
Scoring Guides (Rubrics) for the Writing Responses “
Sample TOEFL iBT writing responses, with benchmarks, ratings, and annotations “
The BBC’s website for Learning English through international news, activities, etc. “
A very good website on the basics of writing essays and the tricks to writing various essay types,
some of which appear on the TOEFL http://essayinfo.com/
TOFL iBT Speaking Conqueror “ http://www.coredownload.com/download-TOEFL-iBTSpeaking-
Online dictionaries
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English “ http://www.ldoceonline.com/
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) “ online access: Log on to the MIIS library through the MIIS
website (www.miis.edu), click Online Databases button, then select OED Online.
Encarta Dictionary “ http://dictionary.msn.com
Merriam Webster “ www.merriam-webster.com
Dictionary.com “ http://dictionary.reference.com/
The Free Dictionary by Farlex “ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/
The Corpus of Contemporary American English (for collocations) “
Oxford Collocations Dictionary Online- http://llohe-ocd.appspot.com/
Thesaurus.com (for synonyms and antonyms) “ http://thesaurus.reference.com/
Urban Dictionary (slang) “ http://www.urbandictionary.com/add.php
Idioms Guide “ http://www.edict.com.hk/vlc/idioms/directory/
Harper’s Online Etymology Dictionary (for origins of words): www.etymonline.com