Production Economics and Decisions

“Production Economics and Decisions”—- Please respond to the following 10 items, 8 short videos, 1 longer video, and 1 very penetrating sophisticated recent article. While these are diverse, the managerial economist should have these in their scope of the field of production economics and decisions that are made._x000D_
Bill Gates Jr. and Bill Gates Sr.
Dr. Parick Dixon On Labor Motivation– another great video of Patrick Dixon on labor motivation–
Camden NJ Doctor and Organization Makes National News in Healthcare Reform–his is a small movement towards what they have in France, England etc. as per movie Sick-Short 10 minute Video on PBS Frompage 1 of (Trenton) The Times on Memorial Day May 28, 2012, on Dr. Brenner’s work–
Trends in Global Trade–_x000D_
Arctic Trade Route and Arctic riches and lower prices for all world because of lower transportation costs over the Arctic and and
Huge container ship- Note your children, grandchildren, spouse might also enjoy this video
Nicaragua Canal
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