Strategic Management Process

Strategic Management Process

Module 1 – Case ( Writer: lease write 6 pages for this assignment_x000D_
Assignment Overview_x000D_
The MGT599 Case is an ongoing exercise, meaning that we will be thoroughly reviewing one company throughout our four modules. This session, we will be conducting a strategic analysis of the Coca-Cola Company._x000D_
Most companies have something that resembles a vision, mission, or set of values; or stated goals/objectives that define who the company is and how the company plans to do business. However, organizations may not always label these statements properly —calling a vision a mission, or calling their values a set of beliefs. Sometimes, companies do not have a mission statement at all, operating instead on a set of goals._x000D_
Case Assignment_x000D_
In this assignment, you will be critically evaluating the vision, values, mission statement, and goals/objectives of the Coca-Cola Company._x000D_
Keys to the Assignment_x000D_
After studying the background materials and completing the SLP, you are in an excellent position to evaluate a company’s published mission, vision, values, and objectives/goals. This Case asks you to begin your strategic analysis of the Coca-Cola Company by evaluating the company’s mission, vision, values, and goals. To do this, observe the following procedure:_x000D_
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Coca-Cola Company and identify the company’s vision, mission, values, and goals. (Hint: You’ll need to do some exploring and a certain amount of speculation—as the terms "vision" and "mission" (and sometimes even the term "company goals") are used interchangeably. Explore the "Our Company" and "Investors" links. Also, be sure that you look closely at the most recent Annual Reports._x000D_
Step 2: Critically evaluate the mission, vision, values, and goals (again, you’ll likely need to make decisions as to which is which). Use the criteria in the background materials to support your assessment of the quality of the company’s mission, vision, values, and goals._x000D_
Step 3: Determine which (if any) of the elements consider the goals and needs of specific stakeholder groups. Write down any examples._x000D_
Step 4: Consider what changes are needed to improve the vision statement, the mission statement, the statement of company values, and the company’s objectives and goals._x000D_
Step 5: Write a 6-7 page paper addressing the above requirements. You must meet minimum length requirements, by responding to each step above with precision and with depth of critical thinking._x000D_
Use of proper APA style is required in this course. Therefore, prepare your Case with proper documentation of sources, using in-text citations and a complete end reference list. Refer to the Well-Written Papers. guide if you are not familiar with APA style._x000D_
Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as the Coca-Cola Company consultant. This is a professional document. Follow the format below:_x000D_
Note: You must use section headings to respond to all major requirements in all papers. Your section headings should appear similar to the following:_x000D_
Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the main points, conclusions, and recommendations made in the longer report._x000D_
Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it._x000D_
Main Body: The "meat" of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Don’t just give me facts – interpret them! Delineate separate topics or sections with appropriate use of headings._x000D_
Executive Summary_x000D_
Company’s Mission Statement and Analysis_x000D_
Company’s Vision and Analysis_x000D_
Company’s Values and Analysis_x000D_
Alignment of Company’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals with Stakeholders’ Interests_x000D_
Recommended Changes_x000D_
Assignment Expectations_x000D_
Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric._x000D_
Tips and Suggestions_x000D_
Note the following tips and suggestions:_x000D_
Business school case-study assignments are meant to offer practice opportunities for future businesspeople who are earning their MBA degrees. Consider yourself a consultant hired by the company to make these critical assessments. There are no right or wrong answers to the Case question, so long as your position is well-defended._x000D_
Study the theoretical concepts provided in the Background materials section of the module, and identify main strategy concepts._x000D_
Analyze the vision, mission statement, etc. according to the criteria presented in the Background materials. Be critical and do not let yourself be influenced by a company’s "spin."_x000D_
Do not hesitate to criticize the current statements. In many instances, you may not be able to find information on the company’s website. Many companies do not get this right._x000D_
Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-7 pages of analysis described above._x000D_
Include appropriate section headings._x000D_
Cite and reference all sources, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for information you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources._x000D_
Follow TUI Guidelines for Well-Written Papers._x000D_
Submit your analysis by the end of this module._x000D_
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Module 1 – SLP ( Writer: Please write 6 pages for this assignment_x000D_
Strategic Management Process/Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives_x000D_
To begin the MGT599 SLP sequence, you first need to first run the simulation using the Default Decisions. In other words, use the prices and R&D percentages that are already there (do not change any decisions made by Joe Thomas)._x000D_
Capture or collect the results for each product (X5, X6, and X7) for each year that you run the simulation. Copy (using Excel, by hand, or some other method) the financial results and marketing results, as well as the information provided by your Advisor._x000D_
Read the following scenario carefully before you proceed:_x000D_
It is December 15, 2015. Joe Thomas, the VP of Marketing at Clipboard Tablet Co., is smugly patting himself on the back for how well he has done with pricing and product development on the three products, X5, X6, and X7. Of course, Joe knows his strategy was not creative at all – i.e., he did not change any prices or R&D allocations over the four-year period (actually six years, counting 2010 and 2011). But he is certain that he really did not need to change anything anyway, and that his overall performance is proof of his good work._x000D_
Sally Smothers, the CEO of Clipboard Tablet Co., knows better, and she fires Joe (but why did she wait so long?)._x000D_
You are hired to replace Joe. And now, here you are, on Dec. 15, 2015, as the V.P. of Marketing of the Clipboard Tablet Co. You are ready to move the company ahead into 2016. Your boss, Sally Smothers, expects you to make intelligent and informed product development and pricing decisions (after all, you are an MBA)._x000D_
Session Long Project_x000D_
Write a 6- to 7-page paper (not including cover and reference pages), using Sally’s instructions, which follow:_x000D_
Sally asks you to review the past four to six years to see what was going on in terms of product development, sales, pricing, and performance. You collect all of the data and write a report (your report is due on Sally’s desk by January 2, 2016)._x000D_
Using the default decisions (i.e., make no changes within the simulation), analyze Joe Thomas’s decisions and results, and then write the report that Sally is requesting. Access the simulation site and collect the data for each year (or you can download a copy of it – see below). Determine where you believe Joe went wrong, and propose a new strategy. Support your revised strategy using financial analysis and relevant business theories._x000D_
The key aspects to this assignment that are required to be covered in your paper include:_x000D_
A review of each product – X5, X6, and X7 – its life cycle, and how each product stacks up in terms of price and performance._x000D_
Financial review for each product – X5, X6, and X7 – sales, costs, profitability, prices, unit margins, etc._x000D_
Market review: New Sales, Repeat Sales, Market Saturation, etc._x000D_
Propose an alternate strategy: A general idea of how you might do better with these products: what pricing and R&D allocations, etc., you would have put in place over the last four years, 2012 – 2015. In short, what would you have done differently than Joe Thomas at each decision point? Be specific!_x000D_
SLP Assignment Expectations_x000D_
Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric._x000D_
Please note the following tips and suggestions:_x000D_
Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-7 pages of written analysis described above._x000D_
Use section headings as appropriate. Use graphs, charts, or figures strategically – but do not use these as "space fillers." Include large tables or graphics in an Appendix instead._x000D_
Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources._x000D_
Follow TUI Guidelines for well-written papers._x000D_
NOTE: Throughout the SLP sequence, you will be asked to make business decisions under conditions of incomplete information and uncertainty. To do so effectively, you will need to make assumptions based on what you have learned throughout the MBA program as it relates to the ways in which markets operate. To this extent, you need to rely on models, financial analysis, and theories from such classes as Organization Behavior, Economics, Finance, Accounting, and Marketing. In addition, the simulation will give you some additional market information as you progress._x000D_
Be sure that you draw explicitly on concepts and theories from the courses you have taken throughout the MBA program. That means you must "think like an MBA" and use the various data you are given. You will have to crunch the numbers and present your data analysis professionally by creating some simple tables, charts, and graphs._x000D_
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