
Exploration of solutions from 5 articles found in peer reviewed academic journals_x000D_
Insight about possible solutions to the problem from at least one criminal justice practitioner who would have some knowledge about the problem. This information can be collected over e-mail, over the phone, or in person, but you must provide the information about whom you talked with, when and where (or how) you talked with him/her, and the information that person provided._x000D_
Analysis of possible solutions from work done in prior courses, including (but not limited to) diversity, ethics, and criminological theory._x000D_
Ultimately, you will propose your ideal solution to the problem. You will need to explain why you chose this solution, based on everything you have learned. Your solution should be as realistic as possible (being mindful of resources), but keep in mind it is what you are recommending what others (agencies, etc.) can do to solve the problem, NOT something you would actually have to do yourself ._x000D_
You will be graded on both the originality of your solution, as well as how much you grounded it in the information in the sources detailed in the above bullet points._x000D_
Finally, you will need to discuss how you would test whether or not the solution you propose works or not. This is the research methods piece, which is technically known as program evaluation.You need to provide a thorough discussion of what kind of study you would conduct to test this solution (quantitative which means using numeric data including surveys or qualitative such as interviews), whether or not you would design a true experiment with a control group or a quasi-experiment, and what results would tell you whether or not the program worked. You will need to use a research methods textbook and/or research methods materials in order to complete this part of the assignment._x000D_

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