Type of service: Academic Writing
Work type: Creative writing
Format: APA
Pages: 4 pages ( 1100 words, Double spaced
Academic level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)
Discipline: Political science
Title: Literature Review Paper
Number of sources: 3
Paper instructions:
Literature Review Paper.• You will write literature review papers during the semester. You will write this paper based on sources you encountered in the textbook and your own researched sources. The paper will be 4-5 pages in length, 12-point font. Times New Roman (or similar font), normal margins, double-spaced. Headings, title pages, figures, etc. do not count• You will consult the textbook and choose at least three (3) separate materials listed in a textbook chapter/topic. You will also do your own research outside of class and find three (3) other scholarly sources. Scholarly sources are books from university printing presses or peer reviewed journals. Research from interest groups, newspapers. popular websites. blogs, etc. Article / sources from the book attached.