Communication and collaboration in managing the professional environment

Communication and collaboration in managing the professional environment

– Healthcare

Type of service:

Single spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
3 pages

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

This is an essay, not a report. Avoid similarities.

No introduction needed. Just the two QUESTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS. reference lists.

Use AU Havard referencing style. all references cited must be listed and all references listed must be cited. All quotes must have page numbers cited. Avoid the use of too many quotes.

The only service users on this essay are the Severe learning disabilities and mental health, (SLD & MH).

When defining please do not paraphrase a definition but use quotation mark you can paraphrase when talking about it. Use credible sources.

Q3. Consider the importance of effective Communication within teams and how practitioners can ensure effective communication when working with adults with severe learning disabilities and mental health in care services.

Discuss examples of good communication skills and reflect on the use of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Consider potential barriers to communication in working with the service user/ service user’s family. Include some citations/quotations.

Embed/refer to theory, eg) Argyle communication cycle, person-centered care plans. Capacity and Advocacy. 725 words.

Q4: Discuss/reflect on how practitioners might transfer good practice to others when working to support adults with severe learning disabilities and mental health.

Give examples of what good practice looks like.

Reference to theory or case studies, eg) Positive role models/social learning theory.

Examples of poor practice, Winterbourne view, whistle blowing, etc could be considered in the discussion. 725 Words.

Conclusion- 200 words.

Summarise the key points and conclude. Add recommendations on communication and collaboration. ( benefits of multi-agency for service user(SLD & MH), and Staffs.) ( benefits of working as a team, how it helps the service user and staffs.) (An effective communication of when working with the service user. (Good practice)