Sub-cultural Groups

Sub-cultural Groups


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

Intro Paragraph:
• Compare and contrast two subcultural groups you belong to and the social roles you play in each group
• Elaborate on the social expectations you have for yourself and others while in one subcultural group versus the other subcultural group
• Provide an in-depth understanding of the different folkways that are unique to these groups and explain the members of the sanctions of the group face when they violate a folkway
• Clarify what specific symbols, gestures, and material objects are unique to each subcultural groups
• Describe the common language patterns found in that subcultural group, meaning words or phrases that are unique to each subcultural group
• Explain which social institution or institutions do these subcultural groups belong to
• Summarizes how the two social roles and subcultural groups are different